Resources are designed to assist faculty and staff navigate the Curriculum Management system
to successfully access, submit, review, and approve proposals.
Training Recordings
Approver/Reviewer Dashboard Training
- CIM Overview Transition, Processes, Resources
- Course & Program Management Forms
- Approver/Reviewer Dashboard
For individuals and committee members in roles that review/approve proposals to add, modify or inactivate courses and programs as part of the curriculum management governance workflow. Learn how to navigate the approver workflow dashboard for proposals submitted in CIM. How to review, comment, edit, rollback and approve proposals will be covered.
End User Training - CIM Forms
- CIM Overview Transition, Processes, Resources
- Course Management Form - @ 22 min.
- Program Management Form - @ 47 min.
- Miscellaneous Requests- @ 1:21 min.
For faculty and staff that typically initiate or assist with curriculum proposals for courses and programs. Learn how to navigate the CourseLeaf CIM dashboards and forms to submit proposals to add new, modify or inactivating existing courses and programs.
Catalog Editors - CIM/CAT Integration
- CIM Overview Transition, Processes, Resources
- Navigating catalog edits and CIM course/program proposals
For faculty and staff that typically initiate or assist with catalog editing and/or curriculum proposals for courses and programs. Learn how CIM integrates with Catalog (CAT) and streamlines the catalog updating process.
Resources & User Guides
The CourseLeaf CIM Ecosystem shows courses, programs, and pages from the University Academic Catalog that are related to the course being viewed, and catalog pages that publish the program being reviewed. The Ecosystem allows users to see what other courses and programs reference a specific course as a requisite or program requirement. In other words, the Ecosystem shows users a complete list of courses and programs that will be impacted if the course being viewed is changed or inactivated.
Academic units with courses and programs that reference the course being changed or inactivated will have an interest in what changes are being proposed to determine if a change proposal is necessary for any impacted course or program.
What the Ecosystem Shows
Catalog Pages Referencing this Course:
- Pages in the University Academic Catalog that mention the course being viewed. This can include course description pages, program pages with degree plans, general information pages that have course lists, or any other instance a course is mentioned in the catalog. Note: courses that appear in a program's published requirements will not be listed in this section and will appear in the 'Programs Referencing this Course' section.
Programs Referencing this Course:
- Programs in CIM that reference the course in some way, usually in the program requirements or degree plan.
Other Courses Referencing this Course:
- Courses in Banner that name the course being viewed as a prerequisite, or corequisite.
Catalog Pages Referencing this Program:
- Pages in the University Academic Catalog where the CIM Program resides for publishing.
History in CIM
CIM History is a permanent record of the approved course or program from the last time it went through workflow in CIM. History displays the approval path, workflow steps, roll back comments, and red/green mark up. History goes back to the day CIM was implemented, and proposals that were started and shredded or rolled out of workflow and back to the proposer will not be part of the course or program history. Only proposals that have been completely approved will show up in history. History is view-only and cannot be edited.
UNH CIM History begins in December 2023 and will include approved proposals for academic year 2024-2025 and beyond.
Proposal Status
The proposal status listed in the Status column of the CIM dashboards for courses and programs indicate the status of a proposal.
The following statuses may appear:
- Added — This status indicates that a New Proposal has been initiated. In the dashboard search for 'added' to find proposals that were saved but not submitted to workflow.
- Edited — This status indicates that an existing course or program in CIM has been edited and submitted to workflow for approval.
- Inactive — This status indicates that a course has been proposed to be made inactive or is currently inactive in the Student Information System
- Blank — This indicates that the course or program exists and is active in the system, but it is not in any CIM proposal process at this time. The course or program is considered 'at rest' in CIM.
All existing and in progress proposals can be viewed from the applicable CourseLeaf CIM Management dashboard.
Search Proposals
- To search for proposals, log in to the appropriate CourseLeaf CIM dashboard.
- Courses can be searched by course subject prefix and number, course title, keyword, workflow step, and status.
- Programs can be searched by program code, name, keyword, workflow step, and status.
- Users can also filter by status utilizing the Quick Searches drop down menu.
View Proposals
- To view proposals, log in to the appropriate CourseLeaf CIM dashboard.
- Search and locate the appropriate proposal in the dashboard results table, select the proposal row in the results box to view.
- Below the results table will be a preview of the currently selected item.
CIM Guide: Search and View
The automated approval process is called the workflow. Once users click the green Start Workflow Button, a proposal will begin the approval process.
The required workflow steps are defined by the university and academic units. As reviewers in each step approve the proposal it will move to the next step in the workflow. As the proposal moves to the next workflow step, the appropriate user(s) will be notified via an automated email that a proposal is pending their review.
Users can log in to the CourseLeaf CIM dashboards at any time to see where a proposal is in the workflow process. Once a proposal in located in the dashboard, the preview will include the full list of workflow steps the proposal must complete. The current workflow step for the proposal will be in bold orange text. Completed workflow steps will be in bold green text.
Proposal initiators cannot directly edit a proposal once submitted to workflow unless it is rolled back to them in the workflow process. If a reviewer decides to rollback a proposal to a previous step in the workflow, the proposal will need to repeat the workflow steps from the point the proposal was rolled back to over again.
CIM course management allows users to propose a new course, propose edits to an existing course, or propose to inactivate an existing course. These proposals are then submitted through the appropriate workflow approval processes where users can edit, approve, or rollback the proposal. The CIM Course Management landing page allows a user to search for and view all courses in the system. From here, you can also see the status of a course and whether or not it is in workflow. While courses in workflow can be modified through the workflow and approval process, they cannot be modified from the CIM landing page until they have completed workflow.
Review the Propose New Course Form to Prepare
Login to CIM Course Management to review the form requirements or download a sample form below to review.
- Undergraduate Course Proposal sample form
- Graduate Course Proposal sample form
How to Propose a New Course in CIM
- Login to CIM Course Management
- Click Propose New Course
- Complete the form by filling in required information
- After completing the form, click one of the following:
- Cancel to not save any changes and return to the previous window.
- Save Changes to save any changes that have been made and come back to the form at a later time. Clicking Save Changes does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "Added" and may be edited at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses.
- Start Workflow (Save & Submit) to save and submit all changes for approval. All required fields must be filled out before the proposal can be submitted for approval. The new course proposal will go to the next person in the workflow. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the new course proposal is ready to be reviewed/approved.
- To view the status of the proposal through workflow login to CIM Course Management anytime.
Additional information about course management, proposal types and associated workflows.
How to Propose a Modification to a Course
- Login to CIM Course Management
- Type the subject prefix abbreviation, course number, or course title that you want to edit into the search field.
- Select the course that you wish to edit from the results window.
- Click the Edit Course button in the CIM window. Many of the fields in this form will be pre-populated with course data from the SIS.
- Enter your course edits in the form.
- After editing the form, click one of the following:
- Cancel to not save any changes and return to the previous window
- Save Changes to save any changes that have been made and come back to the form at a later time. Clicking Save Changes does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "Added" and may be edited at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses
- Start Workflow (Save & Submit) to save and submit all changes for approval. All required fields must be filled out before the proposal can be submitted for approval. The new course proposal will go to the next person in the workflow. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the course modification proposal is ready to be reviewed/approved.
- To view the status of the proposal through workflow login to CIM Course Management anytime.
Additional information about course management, proposal types and associated workflows.
Reviewing the Course Ecosystem in CIM
The CIM Ecosystem shows courses, programs, and catalog pages that reference to the course being viewed as a requisite or program requirement. The ecosystem is displayed at the beginning of the course preview in CIM. The Ecosystem shows users a complete list of courses and programs that will be impacted if the course being viewed is changed or inactivated. The entries in the ecosystem are links that will open that page or proposal in CIM. Academic units with courses and programs that reference the course being changed or inactivated will have an interest in what changes are being proposed to determine if a change proposal is necessary for any impacted course or program.
How to Propose to Inactivate a Course
- Login to CIM Course Management
- Type the subject prefix abbreviation, course number, or course title that you want to edit into the search field.
- Select the course that you want to inactivate from the results window.
- Review the Course Ecosystem for impacts of the course inactivation.
- Click the Inactivate button
- Complete the form
- Click Start Workflow (Saves & Submits) to submit the request or Cancel to cancel the request.
- To view the status of the proposal through workflow login to CIM Course Management anytime.
Additional information about course management, proposal types and associated workflows.
Reviewing the Course Ecosystem in CIM
The CIM Ecosystem shows courses, programs, and catalog pages that reference to the course being viewed as a requisite or program requirement. The ecosystem is displayed at the beginning of the course preview in CIM. The Ecosystem shows users a complete list of courses and programs that will be impacted if the course being viewed is changed or inactivated. The entries in the ecosystem are links that will open that page or proposal in CIM. Academic units with courses and programs that reference the course being changed or inactivated will have an interest in what changes are being proposed to determine if a change proposal is necessary for any impacted course or program.
Review the Propose New Program Form to Prepare
Login to CIM Program Management to review the form requirements or download a sample form below to review.
- Undergraduate Program Proposal sample form
- Graduate Program Proposal sample form
How to Propose a New Program in CIM
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Click the Propose New Program
- Complete the form by filling in the required information
- Some fields will use of the page body editor to format text and tables.
User Guides - Adding Course Lists, Degree Plans, Footnotes, Course Status Indicators.
- Some fields will use of the page body editor to format text and tables.
- After completing the form, click one of the following:
- Cancel to not save any changes and return to the previous window
- Save Changes to save any changes that have been made and come back to the form at a later time. Clicking Save Changes does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "Added" and may be edited at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses
- Start Workflow (Save & Submit) to save and submit all changes for approval. All required fields must be filled out before the proposal can be submitted for approval. The new course proposal will go to the next person in the workflow. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the new course proposal is ready to be reviewed/approved.
Additional information about program management, proposal types and associated workflows.
Note: Proposed New Programs do not appear immediately in the Academic Catalog. The program proposal must be fully approved through CIM and the program page will then be added to the applicable Academic Catalog edition by the Registrar's Office.
How to Modify a Program
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Search for the program to edit
- Select the Program to edit, then click Edit Program
- User Guides - Adding/Editing Course Lists, Degree Plans, Footnotes, Course Status Indicator
- After completing the form, click one of the following:
- Cancel to not save any changes and return to the previous window
- Save Changes to save any changes that have been made and come back to the form at a later time. Clicking Save Changes does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "Added" and may be edited at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses
- Start Workflow (Save & Submit) to save and submit all changes for approval. All required fields must be filled out before the proposal can be submitted for approval. The new course proposal will go to the next person in the workflow. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the new course proposal is ready to be reviewed, edited, approved, or rejected.
Additional information about program management, proposal types and associated workflows.
Note: CIM programs that are being edited will display in the next catalog edition/environment with the proposed edits.
How to Propose to Close/Inactivate a Program
- Login to CIM Program Management
- Search for the program that you want to close/inactivate
- Select the program that you want to close from the results window
- Click the Inactivate button
- Complete the form
- Click Submit to save and submit the request or Cancel to exit the form without saving
Additional information about program management, proposal types and associated workflows.