Free Speech, Truth and Civility

Free Speech, Truth and Civility
Trees on UNH campus from below

Across our campuses, the UNH community is invited to engage in ongoing conversations, lectures and other programs that promote free speech, truth and civility, and which carry forward the theme of the Academic Convocation which took place on Feb. 19, 2021.

Academic Convocation 2021


The UNH Faculty Senate and President James W. Dean Jr. co-hosted the 2021 Academic Convocation, featuring three faculty speakers: John Greabe, professor at the Franklin Pierce School of Law, on “Free Speech at Public Universities;” Jan Golinski, professor of history, College of Liberal Arts, on “Post-Truth and Anti-Science;” and Renee Heath, principal lecturer of communications, College of Liberal Arts, on“Higher Education in a Democracy and the Praxis of Civil Discourse.”

President Dean and Provost Jones have also shared their support for the free speech principles for higher education, from the University of Chicago.

Events, Programs and Resources:
Free Speech, Truth and Civility

General guidelines for free speech, political activity and public advocacy

Although the subject is broad and complex, there are a few principles that will help answer many questions around free speech. Students have many rights including the right to assemble and the right to expression that are described in the introduction of our Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities Handbook. UNH also publishes guidelines for political activity and public advocacy for faculty and staff.

political activity and advocacy

protocols for scheduled public talks

Beauregard Center for Equity, Freedom and Justice

Throughout the year, the Beauregard Centers offers programs to the UNH community that promote a more inclusive, equitable and socially just campus through education, advising, advocacy and community building.

programs and events

Civil Discourse Lab


The Civil Discourse Lab helps students and community members strengthen their ability to conduct meaningful, collaborative conversations around sometimes difficult but important topics to a civil society through research, experiential learning and praxis.  Lectures and trainings promote skills in facilitating respectful conversations and shared decision-making.

Learn more

New Hampshire Listens


NH Listens is a civic engagement group based at the Carsey School of Public Policy. The group runs public engagement sessions, partnering with organizations, community leaders and public officials from diverse fields and industries. NH Listens runs regular training programs through the year for facilitators and for its Campus Listeners on-campus program.

facilitator trainings

campus/community listeners trainings

Engineering an Intersectionality Lens for Equity and Inclusive Excellence

April 10, 2021 10am-2pm

Individuals experience situations differently because their social identities and experiences. Intersectionality can help us better understand ourselves and others, cultivate compassion and trust, and build relationships across differences.

Details and registration

Faculty Seminar: Trans identification, Online Speech and Digital Power

April 9, 2021 11am-12:30pm

This faculty seminar will complement our broader campus conversation around identity, representation, and free speech with an eye to advancing anti-racism and preserving hard-won freedoms. Journalist P.E. Moskowitz, author of "The Case AGainst Free Speech," argues that, given the barriers to equal expression in an unequal world, the notion of “free speech” has been effectively evacuated.

details and registration

Panel on Conspiracy Theories, Myth-Making, and Extremism in the U.S.

April 6, 2021 12.40-2pm

Join an expert panel brought together for this conversation sponsored by the Department of Political Science and COLA.


21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge

April 5-25, 2021

The 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits. UNH students, staff and faculty together have been building skill and will to address racial inequities, using the Challenge as a tool.


African American Women in Science: Chanda Prescod-Weinstein and Katherine McKittrick in Conversation, moderated by Kabria Baumgartner (COLA)

March 31, 2021 6-7:15pm

Featuring Black women feminist scientists and UNH faculty members talking about their forthcoming books and their careers.


The Lindberg Lecture by Lawrence Prelli: “Civil War Memorials, Counter-Memorials, and Reinventing Public Memories”

March 25, 1 pm

Join the College of Liberal Arts for the Lindberg Lecture, delivered by Lawrence Prelli, professor of communication and the winner of the 2020 Lindberg Award, given annually to an outstanding teacher and scholar in the college.


Navigating triggers and bias in the classroom (CEITL)

March 24, 2021

This workshop for faculty and teaching graduate students unpacks the root of triggers in the classroom and provides the tools needed to ensure that those most impacted are not further harmed in addressing these situations.


Faculty Seminar: Trans identification, online speech and digital power

March 5, 2021

Join the College of Liberal Arts for the Lindberg Lecture, delivered by Lawrence Prelli, professor of communication and the winner of the 2020 Lindberg Award, given annually to an outstanding teacher and scholar in the college.


Community Conversations: Museum of Art, Civil Discourse Lab

March 4, 2021

The Museum of Art and the Civil Discourse Lab present Community Conversations, a virtual discussion of social justice themes using the museum's exhibit, "Nobody/Somebody."
