Juliana Mastan

Juliana Mastan

Hall Director
Phone: (603) 862-2933
Office: UNH Residential Life, Hitchcock Hall, Durham, NH 03824
Pronouns: She/her/hers


BS in Neuroscience and Behavior & BS in Genetics from University of New Hampshire

About Me

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Why did you choose to become a hall director?

After being an RA for 2 years and an Assistant Hall Director for 1 year at UNH, I found a passion for working with students and helping them develop into leaders in their communities. The Hall Director position is the perfect opportunity to do that! Additionally, in my time at UNH I had some amazing Hall Directors who helped me learn how to advocate for myself and get the most out of every opportunity. My goal is to be that Hall Director for my students.

Why did you choose to work at Res Life at UNH?

Being a UNH alum, I know how amazing UNH is and I could not pass up the opportunity to give back to the community that had such a huge impact on me. I really connected with Res Life at UNH because of their dedication to student contact and focus on how life in the residence hall communities can affect student success.

What advice would you give to students?

Even if it scares you put yourself out there and get involved. There are so many amazing experiences and opportunities waiting out there for you, if only you take the first step.