Committee Membership 2023-2024
- Co-Chair Kate Ziemer, SVPAA
- Co Chair Semra Aytur, COLSA
- Vidya Sundar, CHHS
- Bruce Pfeiffer, PAUL
- Adam Boucher, CEPS
- Xuanmao Chen, COLSA
- Kristen Johnson, CPS-Manchester
- Smita Lahiri, COLA
- Sharon McCrone, CEPS
- Catherine Peebles, Hamel Honors and Scholars College
- Katherine Gaudet, Hamel Honors and Scholars College
- Noell Bergeron, Student Representative
- Cassie Lefleur, Student Representative
Committee Charges
Review current best-practices in Honors education at comparable R-1, public institutions.
Vision, Mission, Values
1. Draft mission, vision, value statement, and overarching educational goals for the Hamel Honors and Scholars College.
- Articulate the unique identity of Hamel Honors & Scholars College - What distinguishes the Hamel Honors & Scholars College from other Honors colleges, current Honors program, and other programs at UNH
- Ensure Honors College mission is tied to university mission and strategic priorities.
2. Draft standards for acceptance/admission into the Hamel Honors & Scholars College. Consider holistic admission (e.g., faculty recommendations vs academic excellence).
3. Consider input from stakeholders, including Honors Program staff and students, Admissions and Enrollment Management, Advancement to understand how the Honors College curriculum may be used to attract and serve high achieving students.
Develop Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and curricular framework. Include consideration of:
- current courses that match the developing (new) SLOs
- both credit and non-credit requirements to meet flexibility needs of students as well as the need for deep challenges
- development of high-impact learning experiences specific to honors students
- alignment with the new general education/Discovery program
- alignment with the Diversity initiatives. Liaise with Ad Hoc Diversity Committee to identify ways to integrate SLOs developed by Ad Hoc Diversity Committee
Residential component/requirement of University Honors program; liaise with Res Life to explore residential student experience components of the Hamel Honors College. Consider exceptions for our non-residential campuses.
Implementation Plan
Develop an organizational structure (including faculty governance) for the Honors College, as it is unique and does not hold the same structure and responsibilities of a discipline-based college (e.g., no Dean, no tenure home). Note that the committee’s recommendation is subject to final approval by Provost, after consideration by Faculty Senate
Design roles, appointment, and evaluation process for faculty fellows
Develop recommendations for extending educational best practices from Honors to all other undergraduates
Consider alignment of University Honors program with requirements for Honors-in-Major (e.g., dual capstone requirement)
Work with Deans’ Council for insight on faculty workload implications and to develop equitable processes for faculty development and advancement, and to ensure the needs of all students in all colleges are met. Note that the committee’s recommendation is subject to final approval by Provost, after consideration by Faculty Senate
Work with the UNH CFO or designee to understand the short, medium, and long-term financial implications of the Honors College. Develop recommendations that enhance financial viability
Develop robust plan for the assessment of curricular framework to meet the values and mission of the Honors College
- Bi-weekly updates to Faculty Senate Agenda Committee throughout the summer and beyond.
- By August 15th 2023, produce a document of recommended Values, Mission and Learning Outcomes for the Honors College and its curricula, and a draft of the curricular framework and implementation plan
- Update to Student Affairs committee (or Academic Affairs committee?) biweekly
- Curricular framework presented to Faculty Senate Agenda Committee by Friday, October 27, 2024
- Final recommendations for implementation plan submitted to Faculty Senate Agenda Committee by March 1, 2024