
All Faculty Senators serve on either the Agenda Committee or one of the 8 Standing Committees

The  AGENDA COMMITTEE shall set the Faculty Senate agenda and be responsible for the operations of the Faculty Senate.  In addition to committee charges by the Senate itself, the Agenda Committee shall have the authority to charge all Senate committees consistent with the will of the Senate.  

There are 8 STANDING COMMITTEES, each comprised solely of Faculty Senators.  Each committee will meet regularly with the corresponding administrators to advise and consult on policy and to design and implement Faculty Senate legislation. Committees will invite additional members of the university community or others to consult with them as appropriate.

Standing Committees

  1. The Academic Affairs Committee will concern itself with the University's instructional programs and academic support, including computer and information services and university advising programs.
  2. The Academic Program Committee will concern itself with the University's long-term plans and strategic initiatives, as well as many major changes or issues requiring particularly extensive study or deliberations related to the academic mission.
  3. The Campus Planning Committee will concern itself with space allocation, facilities, and physical plant planning.
  4. The Finance and Administration Committee will concern itself with the financial affairs of the University, including establishing priorities and allocating funds within the budget.
  5. The Information Technology Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to information technology.
  6. The Library Committee will concern itself with matters pertaining to the university library, including information technology as it pertains to the mission of the university library.
  7. The Research and Public Service Committee will concern itself with the University's research and public service programs.
  8. The Student Affairs Committee will concern itself with student services and non-academic student programs, including athletics.

Permanent Committees

The Faculty Senate has three permanent committees that include non-senators as members. 

  1. The Professional Standards Committee. The Professional Standards Committee will concern itself with matters affecting the welfare of the faculty including academic freedom, promotion, tenure, workload  assignments, faculty  personnel policy, and professional ethics. This committee has a role established by a  collective bargaining agreement relating to termination or severe sanctions placed on faculty members.  The Professional Standards Committee will be elected by tenure-track faculty in the AAUP-UNH bargaining-unit by approval ballots in CEPS, COLSA, COLA, CHHS, PCBE, UNH-Manchester, and the Library. All tenured faculty members will automatically be the nominees on their respective ballots. The Faculty Senate will supervise this election. The Professional Standards Committee will have seven directly elected members,  one from each of the following: CEPS, COLSA, COLA, CHHS, PCBE, UNH-Manchester, and the Library. In addition the vice chair of the Faculty Senate will be the eighth member and the chair of the committee.
  2. The University Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee (“UCAPC”) shall  function under its Senate Charter.
  3. The Discovery Committee

Other Committees

The Faculty Senate may establish other permanent committees by charter.  

  1. Currently, the Discovery Review Committee is active