Ad Hoc Hamel Honors and Scholars College Development and Implementation Committee
Ad hoc committee on Diversity Requirement for General Education (2022)
Ad hoc General Education Review Committee - GERC (2021)
Ad Hoc Committee on Student Evaluations of Teaching (2021)
No Longer Active
Discovery Review Committee (2019-2021)
(Discharged) 2016 Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluation Standards
Ad hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluation Standards Membership
- Christopher Bauer, Chemistry, CEPS, chair
- Marieka Brower-Burg, Anthropology, COLA, Lecturer
- Karen Collins, Kinesiology, CHHS
- Susan Endrizzi, Theatre & Dance, COLA
- Diane Freedman, English, COLA
- Mary Friedman, Natural Resources & the Environment, COLSA
- William Knowles, Accounting & Finance, PCBE
- Adele Marone, Molecular, Cellular, & Biomedical Sciences, COLSA
- James Ramsay, UNHM
- Nena Stracuzzi, Sociology, COLA
- Undergraduate Student Representative
- Graduate Student Representative
(Discharged) 2015-2016 Teaching Evaluation Form Implementation Committee
On December 5, 2016, the TEVC fulfilled its charge when Senate Motion #XXI-M4 was passed.
Chair: Alberto Manalo
Teaching Evaluation Form Implementation Committee (2015-2016)
- Alberto Manalo, Natural Resources & the Environment, COLSA, chair
- Chris Bauer, Chemistry, CEPS
- Dan Innis, Marketing, PCBE
- Bill Ross, Special collections & Archives, Library
- Paula Salvio, Education, COLA
- Barbara White, Occupational Therapy, CHHS
- ____________, UNH-M
- ____________, School of Law
- ____________, TSAS, COLSA
(Discharged) 2015 Ad Hoc Committee on Calendar Options
On May 2, 2016, this committee fulfilled its charge in a report to the Faculty Senate. That report is linked in the What's News section.
Chair: Chris Shea
1. On 9/14/15, The Faculty Senate approved the formation of a committee to undertake the study of the pros and cons of alternatives to the current semester system relevant to the UNH academic mission. This committee, called the Committee on Calendar Options, is charged with the following:
1) Determine the internal need for more flexibility in the calendar and define problem areas. For example, one department may benefit from the extra time afforded by the summer term, whereas another department with significant summer programming already in place might find little to no benefit. These areas must be identified department by department.
2) Explore and document the options that are currently in practice, including short terms, online terms, master's degree terms, etc. Each of these has a different calendar. Would other departments benefit from broader use of existing calendar options?
3) Evaluate other universities where flexible calendar options are present. Dartmouth is one such place.
4) Report to the Senate in early April.
Committee on Alternative Academic Calendar Options Membership
- Christine Shea, Management, PCBE, chair
- Michelle Capozzoli, Mathematics & Statistics, CEPS
- Kelly Cullen, Natural Resources & the Environment, COLSA
- Roger Ford, School of Law
- Barry Hennessey, Assessment, Library
- Susan Horne, Decision Sciences, PCBE
- David Kaye, Theatre & Dance, COLA
- Sarah Prescott, Biology Program, UNH-Manchester
- Jovana Milosavljevic, Graduate Student Senate
- Justin Poisson, Student Senate