Learning and Development Initiatives

Learning and Development Initiatives
Students in front of the Kearsarge Museum

The Beauregard Center offers both active and passive educational opportunities through our leadership summits, workshops, heritage and awareness programming, and development resources. It is our goal to cultivate an environment that fosters shared, lifelong learning where students can continue to develop their personal, social, academic, and leadership competencies. 

“The Beauregard Center is my home base at UNH. Not only is it a place where I relax, socialize, and study-- three critical aspects of a well-rounded academic life, but, more importantly, it is also a place where I have created my most meaningful friendships.
There is solace in finding a community on such a massive, diverse campus, and the Beauregard Center has done just that for me!” - Enrico Tulung ‘24 

ALS Website tile

Audre Lorde Summit

Mural inside the BC

Educational Workshops

MOSAICO Exec Board

Heritage and Awareness Months

MLK Day of Service participants filling bags of rice

MLK Day of Service

Two seniors on the first day of senior year holding a sign

Outreach Events

Students in front of the MFA

Culture Exploration Trips