
Resource Year Topic Type
Understanding the impact of seeing gun violence and hearing gunshots in public places: findings from the Youth Firearm Risk and Safety Study
Mitchell, K. J., Jones, L. M., Turner, H. A., Beseler, C. L., Hamby, S., & Wade Jr, R. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260519853393 (…
2019 Firearm Violence Paper
Victimization Prevention Programs: An American Survey of Children's Exposure and Reactions
Dziuba-Leatherman, J. and Finkelhor, D. In B. Marquardt-Mau (Ed.), Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (p. 87-112). Order (CV2)
1995 Prevention Paper
The Effectiveness of Victimization Prevention Instruction: An Evaluation of Children's Responses to Actual Threats and Assaults
Asdigian, N.L., Dziuba-Leatherman, J., Finkelhor, D. Child Abuse and Neglect, 19, (2):141-153. Order (CV3)
1995 Prevention Paper
The Effectiveness of Victimization Prevention Programs for Children: A Follow-up
Asdigian, N.L., Dziuba-Leatherman, J., Finkelhor, D. American Journal of Public Health,85, (12):1684-1689. Order (CV11)
1995 Prevention Paper
What Works for Children in Resisting Assaults
Asdigian, N.L. and Finkelhor, D. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 10 (4):402-418. Order (CV6)
1995 Prevention Paper
School Based Prevention Programs: Lessons for Child Victimization Prevention
Finkelhor, D. and Luna, R., Center for Research on Crimes against Children, University of New Hampshire.
1998 Prevention Paper
Prevention of Sexual Abuse Through Educational Programs Directed Toward Children
Finkelhor, D. Pediatrics, 120(3): 640-645. Order (CV170)
2007 Prevention Paper
Dilemmas for international mobilization around child abuse and neglect
The goal of this commentary is to articulate some issues and dilemmas raised by various efforts to mobilize international action around child abuse…
2015 Prevention Paper
Developmental Victimology: The Comprehensive Study of Childhood Victimization
David Finkelhor. In R.C. Davis, A.J. Lurigio, & Herman, S. (Eds.), Victims of Crime (3rd ed., pp. 9-34). , Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
2007 General Child Victimization Paper
Characteristics of Crimes Against Juveniles
David Finkelhor & Dick Ormrod. Juvenile Justice Bulletin – NCJ179034
2000 General Child Victimization Paper