We provide guidance and training to families and professionals to prevent and stop sibling rivalry, conflict, aggression, and abuse. Our goals include supporting siblings and positive sibling relationships to enhance well-being across the lifespan.

More Than
Sibling Rivalry
In this video, Cindy shares her
experience with childhood sibling
abuse and talks about its lasting impact.
Listen to her story to learn more about
sibling aggression and abuse, and
why sibling aggression is a form
of family violence—not rivalry.
Sibling Abuse: Cindy's Story
Audiences We Serve
Our core audiences include professionals and practitioners, parents and families, and siblings.
Areas of Expertise
Our expertise includes all types of harmful sibling dynamics and promoting positive sibling relationships.
Our Psychology Today Blog: The Science of Siblings
Mar10Children with disabilities can have warm, fun, and engaging relationships with their siblings. There are three strategies parents can use to promote positive sibling relationships.
Jan22Support from a sibling promotes well-being and relationship health across the lifespan.
Dec4When harmful sexual behavior occurs between siblings, parents often feel ashamed, overwhelmed, and confused. Learn how to support children in this situation and promote healing.