News and Media

Below is a listing of recent media articles and blog posts published by SAARA researchers or about SAARA's work. We post regularly on our Psychology Today blog, The Science of Siblings. Our experts on sibling aggression and abuse are available for media and speaking requests, please contact us.

Girl carrying her young brother on her back.

The Lifelong Benefits of a Close Sibling Relationship
Psychology Today, January 2025
Though often overlooked, siblings can be important sources of support throughout our lives. Close and supportive sibling relationships are consistently linked to well-being and relationship quality. Parents and caregivers can promote positive sibling relationships beginning when children are young.

How to Improve Sibling Relationships Despite Anxiety and OCD
AT Parenting Survival Podcast, Episode 395, December 2024
SAARA's Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker joined Natasha Daniels on the AT Parenting Survival Podcast to discuss how anxiety and OCD can impact sibling relationships. Siblings might feel sidelined, or even targeted, and parents have a critical role in fostering strong sibling bonds.

How Should Parents Respond to Sibling Sexual Behavior?
Psychology Today, December 2024
Believing the child who was harmed and supporting all children in the family are key to children’s recovery after sibling sexual abuse. In this article, SAARA researchers partnered with Brandy Black and Maria Socolof from 5WAVES to provide research-based insights and practical advice for parents and caregivers.

What You Need to Know about Sibling Aggression and Abuse During Adolescence
Talking About Kids Podcast, November 2024
SAARA's Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker joined R. Bradley Snyder on the Talking About Kids Podcast to discuss sibling aggression and abuse—an essential listen for anyone invested in children's well-being.

Can Sibling Conflict Lead to Romantic Relationship Problems?
Psychology Today, October 2024
Sibling relationship patterns often are overlooked as a possible source for adults’ romantic relationship successes or difficulties, but sibling relationships have been shown to have important connections to the quality of adults’ relationships with others.

All Siblings Fight. When Has It Gone Too Far?
Company of Dads Podcast, Episode 128, October 2024
SAARA's Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker was interviewed by Paul Sullivan about sibling rivalry, conflict, and aggression. They discussed practical tips for parents to reduce sibling fighting.

Helping Parents Manage Siblings Who Fight
Psychology Today, August 2024
Sibling aggression is a common parenting challenge, but few resources exist to help parents manage sibling fighting and promote positive sibling relationships. This post outlines effective and ineffective parental responses to sibling aggression and discusses the need to develop more resources for parents on this topic.

Sibling Aggression & Abuse
The Social Work Lens Podcast, Episode 48, July 2024
SAARA's Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker and Dr. Tanya Rouleau Whitworth were interviewed by Cassie Gillespie about sibling rivalry, conflict, aggression, and abuse. They discussed practical tips for parents and social workers.

Sibling Abuse Series: Sibling sexual abuse
What Would Dr. Meyers Do? Podcast, Episode 90, July 2024
SAARA's Dr. Tanya Rouleau Whitworth was interviewed by Dr. Amy Meyers about the prevalence, characteristics, and long term impacts of sibling sexual abuse.

Sibling Aggression and Abuse Are ACEs
Psychology Today, July 2024
Sibling aggression and abuse are significant forms of childhood trauma that are linked to negative impacts on mental and physical health. ACE screening inventories should be expanded to include this under-recognized form of family violence.

Sibling Abuse Series: Deconstructive patterns of sibling relationships
What Would Dr. Meyers Do? Podcast, Episode 85, June 2024
SAARA's Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker was interviewed by Dr. Amy Meyers about the difference between constructive and destructive sibling conflict, detecting and preventing sibling abuse, and promoting positive sibling relationships.

Helping Practitioners Respond to Sibling Sexual Behavior
Psychology Today, May 2024
Sibling sexual behavior requires a whole-family, child-centered, comprehensive response. By taking a broad lens when assessing SSB, practitioners can best assess which services children and families need to heal after SSB has become apparent.

She took a hammer and hit her 11-year-old sister's head: Why there is a lot of silence about sibling violence
Nieuwsblad, April 2024
SAARA's Director, Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker, was interviewed for this article in Nieuwsblad, a Flemish newspaper.

Why Don’t Children Tell When Their Sibling Harms Them?
Psychology Today, March 2024
Victimization by a sibling is a common experience in childhood but remains hidden. In this post, we discuss children's barriers to seeking and receiving help.

When to Be Concerned About Sibling Sexual Behavior
Psychology Today, February 2024
Parents and professionals often overreact or underreact to apparent sibling sexual behavior. In this post, we discuss how to identify harmful sexual behaviors between siblings to protect child safety.

Sibling Abuse Series: A sibling abuse resource for support, advocacy, and change
What Would Dr. Meyers Do? Podcast, Episode 65, January 2024
SAARA's Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker and Dr. Tanya Rouleau Whitworth were interviewed by Dr. Amy Meyers about the difference between sibling aggression and abuse, the invisibility of sibling abuse, and SAARA's mission to create change.

3 Ways to Foster a Positive Sibling Relationship
Psychology Today, December 2023
Parents play a significant role in reducing rivalry and creating harmony between their children. In this post, we describe three strategies parents and caregivers can use to foster a positive sibling relationship.

The Long-Term Impact of Sibling Aggression on Adults
Psychology Today, November 2023
Siblings play an important and enduring role in many people’s lives, even into adulthood. Brothers and sisters can be valuable sources of support and companionship, but what about those whose sibling relationships are more fraught? Being hurt or mistreated by a sibling in childhood can have long-term consequences on well-being and the quality of adult relationships.

When Does Sibling Fighting Become Harmful?
Psychology Today, September 2023
Currently, society’s notions of typical sibling behaviors include a vague and wide range of behaviors, leaving parents and practitioners often confused about whether behaviors between brothers and sisters have gone too far. As a result, harmful sibling behaviors, even abuse, often go unrecognized and are commonly dismissed as sibling rivalry.

Featured Spotlight: Dr. Corinna Tucker
Bulling Research Network (BRNET) Newsletter, July 2023
SAARA's Director, Dr. Corinna Jenkins Tucker, was featured in the July BRNET newsletter, discussing her work on sibling aggression and her vision for SAARA.

Sibling Conflict Is an Opportunity for Children to Grow
Psychology Today, July 2023
Parents’ and caregivers’ responses to sibling fighting matter. In fact, parents’ choice of response can decrease how often their children fight and teach them how to get along better. By helping or coaching their children to a mutually acceptable resolution, parents not only enhance children’s interpersonal and thinking skills and well-being but also create a more peaceful household.

Bullying by Peers and Siblings
Psychology Today, June 2023
Significant efforts have been invested in the prevention of peer bullying. And with good reason: Peer bullying in childhood and adolescence is associated with worse mental health, including depression, low self-esteem, and suicidal ideation. Peer relationships are pivotal in children’s and adolescents’ daily lives. That includes sibling relationships as well. But when it comes to peer bullying, siblings are often overlooked.

The Importance of Siblings
Psychology Today, May 2023
The sibling relationship is one of the longest-lasting relationships in a person’s life. Over 80% of U.S. children grow up with a sibling, but the importance of this relationship often goes unnoticed. Three distinct characteristics make this relationship crucial to personal well-being: everyday contact, emotional intensity, and the involuntary nature of the relationship.

Sibling aggression and abuse go beyond rivalry – bullying within a family can have lifelong repercussions
The Conversation, March 2023
Sometimes the nature of siblings’ interactions go too far. Parents and mental health and medical professionals should take sibling aggression as seriously as they do peer bullying. Stopping and preventing sibling aggression and abuse can improve children’s safety and well-being.

Logo for the Sibling Aggression and Abuse Research and Advocacy Initiative

UNH to Establish New Sibling Aggression and Abuse Initiative
UNH Today, October 2022
According to national surveys, one-third of children have been physically assaulted by a brother or a sister in the past year. To help reduce its prevalence and impact, the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire is establishing a new Sibling Aggression and Abuse Research and Advocacy Initiative (SAARA) that will work to change the perception that sibling aggression and abuse is not serious as well as provide guidance on how to prevent its occurrence.