
This form may be used to send a compliment or complaint to the UNH Police Department. You may also pick up a Compliment/Complaint form at the UNH Police Department or contact any on duty supervisor, Lieutenant or Chief of Police.  A compliment/complaint may also be submitted orally at our station.  Compliments and complaints may be submitted anonymously, but we would like your contact information so we can inform you of receipt/outcome. This form will be submitted to the Chief of Police.

I do hereby affirm that the above information provided by me relative to this complaint is true and complete to the bests of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false, misleading, or untrue statements, accusations or allegations herein made by me or during the course of this investigation, in relation to this incident, either orally, or in writing , to any person or persons investigating this incident may subject me to civil and/or criminal prosecution. While it is possible to file an anonymous report using this form; personal identification allows for the most thorough investigation. I fully realize that it may become necessary in the investigation of this incident for me to meet with a member of the UNH Police Department to discuss this issue. I agree, should any Administrative Hearing or Court proceedings result from the investigation of this incident, to make myself available to present testimony at such hearings if requested to do so.
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