NH Impact

Recent Stories

  • A photo of a new england cottontail hiding in its natural shrubland habitat
    - Cohabitating with New England Cottontails
    New research by the NHAES researchers finds that habitat restoration efforts for the at-risk New England cottontail will also benefit a number of shrubland-obligate birds. Read More
  • Two researchers stand in front of a red robot
    - Aging Assistance
    An interdisciplinary team of UNH researchers has received a $2.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to develop technology that could help seniors age in place. Read More
  • Ray Grizzle (right) works with a student on measuring oysters
    - Oysters as Nitrogen Bioextractors
    Oysters filter particles that contain nitrogen (and carbon) from the water. Wild oysters cycle small amounts of that nitrogen back into the environment, however farmed oysters,... Read More
  • Download the NHAES 2022 Inspired Horticultural Research Report today!
    - Download the NHAES 2022 Inspired Horticultural Research Report today!
    The latest edition of the NH Agricultural Experiment Station’s Inspired magazine and research report is here! The latest edition explores station research into horticulture... Read More
  • Committed to Community
    - Committed to Community
    Jude Blake '77 was recognized as the winner of the 2021 Hubbard Family Award for Service to Philanthropy at the University of New Hampshire during UNH's Evening of Distinction... Read More
  • Sizing Up Cover Crop Seeding Rates
    - Sizing Up Cover Crop Seeding Rates
    The use of cover crops is becoming more and more widespread in New Hampshire and across the country as farmers, agriculturalists, political leaders and the public recognize the... Read More
  • Measuring Methane in Streams
    - Measuring Methane in Streams
    Different aquatic bodies play different roles in the release of methane gas. Wetlands, lakes, and reservoirs all play large roles in releasing methane directly into the atmosphere... Read More
  • Map of Great Bay and the coastline of New Hampshire
    - Maps Made Easier
    The New Hampshire Geodata Portal website provides easier access to online GIS maps for the state. Read More
  • Car driving through flooded street
    - Granite State Warming
    UNH researchers have released the 2021 New Hampshire Climate Assessment. Read More
  • A middle-aged white woman shops at a farmers' market, picking produce from a stall
    - Serving New England Farmers
    The global pandemic upended how we work and live, and the same was true for America’s farmers – especially those involved in direct-to-consumer (DTC) sales. Farmers’ markets... Read More