Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space (EOS)

Recent Stories

  • UNH EOS director Harlan Spence
    - UCAR Board
    Harlan Spence has been elected to serve as a member of the board of trustees of the UCAR. Read More
  • Telescope image of space, with bright yellow and bright purple objects highlighted
    - Rogue Black Hole
    UNH researcher Dacheng Lin has discovered a massive black hole “wandering” at edge of its galaxy. Read More
  • Colorful image of Van Allen radiation belts around Earth
    - Van Allen Discovery
    UNH researchers have captured unique measurements of the Van Allen radiation belts that circle the Earth during an extremely rare solar wind event. The findings, which have never... Read More
  • Researcher Scott Ollinger on a research tower
    - Seeing the Data for the Trees
    Michael Palace, associate professor of Earth and geospatial science, will use his extensive experience with drones on the project. Forests play a major role in regulating the... Read More
  • dry stream bed with scientific sensor in the middle
    - Parched
    Some researchers at UNH have found the record drought has changed the way they can conduct research. Read More
  • UNH professor of physics Mark McConnell
    - McConnell Is New SwRI-EOS Director
    Professor of physics Mark McConnell is the new director of the collaborative Southwest Research Institute Earth, Oceans and Space department at UNH. Read More
  • UNH instrument used on NASA MMS satellite
    - Magnetic Mysteries, Decoded
    A NASA rocket carrying instruments developed by scientists, engineers and students from UNH’s Space Science Center (SSC) has obtained the first-ever data of an elusive phenomenon... Read More
  • A vaquita, the world's smallest and rarest porpoise
    - Prof with a Porpoise
    Chris Glass wouldn’t blame you if you’ve never heard of the vaquita. The small porpoise is so secretive that it wasn’t discovered as a species until 1958. Read More
  • UNH professor Will Clyde
    - Rocks of Ages
    We know the surface of Earth looked vastly different 2.5 billion years ago — but just how different, and just how events that happened millions of years in the past can give us... Read More
  • UNH Space Science Director Lynn Kistler
    - Union Fellow
    UNH physics professor Lynn Kistler has been named a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, the largest single organization dedicated to the advancement of geophysics. Read More