
The Info-P Holloway Competition team during the competition’s semi-final round in April.

UNH Nursing Students Bridge Healthcare and Entrepreneurship

In just a few short months, four UNH nursing students turned their COVID-related frustrations into entrepreneurship that may ultimately help address a significant healthcare problem.   It all started when nursing student David Brown decided to join the Digital Health Ideathon this February to make... Read More

Recent Stories

  • UNH's uSafeNH app
    - Help At Their Fingertips
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  • UNH student Andrew Lee ’18, the creator of charity Driven to Cure
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  • Pettee Hall at UNH
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    The university’s social work program in the College of Health and Human Services has long attracted top students and faculty. But now, it’s getting some national recognition. Read More
  • UNH graduate Christopher Healy '16
    - Targeting Treatments
    So much for senioritis. Christopher Healy ’16 didn’t have time to let it creep into his final year at UNH. Read More
  • UNH graduate Bill Cudmor on climbing wall
    - Climbing the Walls
    When UNH Today asked Bill Cudmore for a photo and interview for this series, he suggested meeting at UNH’s towering climbing wall inside New Hampshire Hall. Once we met him, it... Read More
  • Samantha Blais
    - The Time of Her Life
    So much of life is serendipitous. Take the route Samantha Blais ’16 traveled before landing a job in the sought-after pediatrics unit at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. As a... Read More
  • Jim Haney, second from left
    - UNH Researcher Honored by EPA for Environmental Achievements
    Jim Haney has spent a majority of his career studying cyanobacteria blooms in bodies of water, an increasing problem in New England and worldwide. Read More
  • Under secretary Ted Mitchell of U.S. Department of Education at UNH
    - Department of Education Official Lauds Sexual Assault Prevention Efforts
    U.S. Department of Education under secretary Ted Mitchell visited campus on Friday, May 13, meeting with more than a dozen students, researchers and staff in a roundtable... Read More
  • Professor riding a bike dressed for graduation, pulling Gnarlz in a trailer
    - Celebrating Cycling
    This month, UNH will join communities and workplaces across the nation in a celebration of car-free commuting with Bike to Work Week (May 16 – 20) and Bike/Walk to Work Day (May... Read More