Graduate School

Kristy Miyashita in various scenes of her Peace Corps work in Paraguay

Navigating Outside of Four Walls

“I want to reframe everyone’s mindset that nursing and human security can’t go together, because they can and should. I think there’s this very strong, preconceived notion that nurses are at the bedside and we’re just clinicians,” says Kristy Miyashita, a current master’s student pursuing a Global... Read More

Recent Stories

  • Female graduate student on a boat holding a male blue crab
    - Crustacean Consternation
    UNH researchers have documented the first-ever pair of mated blue crabs in Great Bay Estuary, with potentially serious impacts on the ecosystem. Read More
  • students meeting with industry partners at UNH center for business analytics
    - Center for Business Analytics Expands Professional Development Access
    The UNH Paul College Center for Business Analytics is excited to partner with UNH Professional Development & Training (PD&T) for the 2022/2023 Academic Year on a pilot... Read More
  • Moorhead Appointed President of CGS Regional Affiliate
    - Moorhead Appointed President of CGS Regional Affiliate
    Cari Moorhead, dean of the Graduate School at the University of New Hampshire, has been appointed president of the Northeastern Association of Graduate Schools (NAGS), a regional... Read More
  • Three researchers walk through a salt marsh at sunrise
    - Research Snapshot: Early Birds
    UNH researchers study tidal marsh sparrows to understand how they're adapted to living in the harsh environment of salt marshes. Read More
  • A photo of a new england cottontail hiding in its natural shrubland habitat
    - Cohabitating with New England Cottontails
    New research by the NHAES researchers finds that habitat restoration efforts for the at-risk New England cottontail will also benefit a number of shrubland-obligate birds. Read More
  • Hand holding a live fish, Arctic charr
    - Fish Out of Cold Water?
    Nathan Furey, assistant professor of biological sciences. Arctic charr, true to its name, is a cold-water fish that makes its southern-most home in Maine lakes, putting it at... Read More
  • One man hands another an award
    - Canadian Kudos
    Larry Mayer, director of UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, received the Canadian Hydrographic Association’s Sam Masry Award at the 2022 Canadian Hydrographic Conference. Read More
  • Image of Darius Love
    - Igniting the Spark
    The bright beacon of service is a calling card for Darius Love with his dual passions of neuroscience nursing and nurturing leadership in others. "I did not select a leadership... Read More
  • Researcher Harish Vashisth stands with arms crossed in darkened hallway
    - Repurposing Drug Compound Could Slow COVID Spread
    Krisztina Varga, associate Professor of Molecular, cellular and Biomedical Sciences. Photo by Jeremy Gasowski. With the end of the pandemic seemingly nowhere in sight,... Read More
  • True Colors
    - True Colors
    It was purple hair that first prompted Camryn Berry to feel she’d found a home at UNH as a woman in STEM. It was a pink lab coat that opened the door for thousands to share in her... Read More