Graduate School

Kristy Miyashita in various scenes of her Peace Corps work in Paraguay

Navigating Outside of Four Walls

“I want to reframe everyone’s mindset that nursing and human security can’t go together, because they can and should. I think there’s this very strong, preconceived notion that nurses are at the bedside and we’re just clinicians,” says Kristy Miyashita, a current master’s student pursuing a Global... Read More

Recent Stories

  • UNH's Alex Padilla
    - Listening to Bubbles
    UNH doctoral student Alexandra Padilla has received a prestigious National Science fellowship. Read More
  • Emaciated moose
    - A Population At Risk
    Northern New Hampshire and western Maine are seeing an increase in winter ticks, which are endangering the moose population. Read More
  • Image of Sarah.
    - The Power of Engagement
    Sarah Wrightsman '17G could be described as someone with a growth mindset.  As a community garden project coordinator for at-risk youth in Somersworth, New Hampshire, Wrightsman... Read More
  • UNH PhD candidate Michael Staley
    - Fighting Suicide with Science
    A UNH graduate student is the nation’s first psychological autopsy examiner. Read More
  • Row boats and oars
    - Finding Their Swing
    Robin Ellwood '85, '93G, '13G helped Rye Junior High students find their swing. Read More
  • People hiking along mountain ridge
    - Seeing the Hikers for the Trees
    UNH researchers are monitoring visitor use in the White Mountain National Forest to help managers ease parking and crowding. Read More
  • Artist's drawing of research ship
    - Exploring the Seas
    UNH will co-operate a forthcoming research vessel that will provide cutting-edge technology for scientists to study the Atlantic Ocean and adjoining seas. Read More
  • Image of Higgins at a farmer's market
    - Cultivating Common Ground
    While crops are grown, community and collaboration roots are developed for new Americans in Manchester, New Hampshire. Read More
  • Undersea image of a fish in seaweed
    - Nowhere To Hide
    New research from UNH finds that changes in seaweed "forests" may be harmful for an ecologically important fish. Read More
  • a white blossom in full bloom on a tree at UNH
    - A Time for Poetry
    Celebrating National Poetry Month with MFA candidates. Read More