
Thompson Hall in summer

UNH Positions Students, Businesses to Thrive in Wake of SEC Climate Disclosure Ruling

In March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted the first-ever national climate disclosure rule, a decision signifying that publicly traded companies will be legally required to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and other climate risk factors for the first time. It’s a... Read More

Recent Stories

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    - Buddies Without Borders Pairs International and American Students
    For international students, there’s more to adjusting to college life than getting to know their roommate or learning their way around campus. Fitting in—making friends, having... Read More
  • dover listens group activity
    - Good Listeners
    The conversation begins at Dover Listens event. Word has it that when Dover Listens holds a meeting, it starts on time, sticks to the schedule, and ends on time. By 6 p.m. on a... Read More
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    - The View from the Coast
    Tom Safford “There isn’t an environmental issue that isn’t a people issue,” contends sociologist Tom Safford. That’s a critical point for this associate professor whose research... Read More
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    - Take a Hike
    The potential reversal of the Portland-Montreal oil pipeline has eluded the spotlight that shines on other tar sands oil projects like Keystone XL pipeline. Kaity Thomson... Read More
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    - The Road I've Traveled: Lessons in Civil Rights
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  • train wreck in Durham
    - Train Wreck
    Machine shop janitor Augustus Stevens was in Hewitt Hall, finishing preparations for the biennial visit of the state Legislature, when he heard it: the high-speed rumble of an... Read More
  • In His Own Words
    - In His Own Words
    Perhaps no one demonstrates the complementary nature of teaching and research better than Professor of Chemical Engineering Dale Barkey. A creative researcher who collaborates... Read More
  • The Tales a Lobster Trap Tells
    - The Tales a Lobster Trap Tells
    What do lobster traps tell us about the lobsters on the bottom? from Presentation Boot Camp on Vimeo A video from the lobster research lab of zoology professor Win Watson is a... Read More
  • University of New Hampshire
    - UNH Integrates Nationally Recognized Anti-Bullying Program into Graduate Education Program
    Educators and students discuss how the Courage to Care program has helped their schools increase civility and empathy, which has been shown to reduce bullying. In the United... Read More
  • amanda chisholm
    - Amanda Chisolm ’16
    Undeclared Liberal Arts Exeter, N.H. What made you want to choose this course of study? After I finished high school I took what was supposed to be a single gap year doing... Read More