College of Life Sciences & Agriculture

Recent Stories

  • UNH campus
    - UNH Welcomes New Faculty
    Members of the class of 2019 aren’t the only ones who began their UNH careers this month. The university is welcoming 87 new faculty members to the community. Here is a list of... Read More
  • UNH professor Rick Cote
    - A Look Inside the Eye with Professor Rick Cote
    Imagine a world where doctors and scientists could understand the most fundamental causes of human blindness. For Rick Cote, professor in the Department of Molecular, ... Read More
  • Lisa Mahoney
    - Strawberry Fields
    A Ph.D. program isn’t something one enters into lightly. It’s a big commitment — years, in fact. But for Lise Mahoney, once she began her strawberry research at UNH back in 2004,... Read More
  • UNH Project SMART participants launching scientific balloon
    - Riding High
    Project SMART high school students steady their scientific balloon as it fills with helium prior to launch. (Photo: Devin Thomas, University of British Columbia) Near space is... Read More
  • UNH class on eating local foods
    - Eating Locally One Class at a Time
    Kelly Cullen, associate professor of natural resources and the environment, starts her class with terrifying statistics and ends it with hope. In the course Being a Locavore,... Read More
  • Peter Wilkinson '15 - UNH
    - One to Watch: Q & A with Peter Wilkinson '15
    Why did you decide to come to UNH? Originally I wanted to go to school for engineering, so I was looking at MIT. Math and science were the name of the game for me. But when I... Read More
  • Christina DiMeo ’18
    - Sophomore Gets Hands On With Conservation Genetics
    Christina DiMeo received a Research Experience and Apprenticeship Program award to spend 10 weeks conducting genetic research on the New England cottontail rabbit, an endangered... Read More
  • UNH professor Iago Hale
    - Yes, You Can Grow (Hardy) Kiwis in New England
    The first time Iago Hale popped a cold-hardy kiwifruit in his mouth, he was left speechless, amazed that he had never encountered the delicious fruit before. Now the researcher... Read More
  • UNH scientists on NOAA ship
    - Testing the Waters
    Led by UNH biogeochemical oceanographer Joe Salisbury, a group of 15 scientists is currently aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Gordon... Read More
  • Natalee Stimpson
    - Planting the Seed
    Here’s how you get healthy food to low-income families: help their garden grow. And if the saying holds true that such acts take a village, then meet villager Natalee Stimpson.... Read More