College of Engineering & Physical Sciences

Marian McCord, Byron Kennedy and Steven Camilleri in the Olson Center

UNH Becomes Home to First U.S. Location for Global Innovator in Metal 3D Printing

UNH and Australian company SPEE3D, a global innovator in metal 3D printing technology, inaugurated the company’s first U.S.-based manufacturing and applications site at the university’s John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center with a ribbon-cutting ceremony Monday, June 17. SPEE3D develops printers... Read More

Recent Stories

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    L to r, Christopher Barr and Tyler Fausnacht cut an acrylic tube for the UNH-ROV. Spring is just around the corner for two of this year’s Parents Association awardees. The teams,... Read More
  • NE FIRST Robotics Competition
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  • Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter at the moon
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    Artist's rendition of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter at the moon. The CRaTER telescope is seen pointing out at the bottom right center of the LRO spacecraft. Illustration by... Read More
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    - Angela Zukas ’15
    Electrical Engineering Fremont, N.H. What made you want to choose this course of study? I came into UNH Undeclared in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences and knew... Read More
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    James Malley is the Davison Professor of Environmental Engineering and Director of the Environmental Research Group at the University of New Hampshire. He won the 2013 Excellence... Read More
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    - Back to the Future
    This image shows a future view of the world in equilibrium at 2,000 parts per million of atmospheric carbon dioxide (current level is 393 ppm). Sea level is higher by some 260... Read More
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    - Warming Earth, Shrinking Mammals
    Graduate student Abigail D'Ambrosia (at right) and geology professor Will Clyde When the Earth heated up about 50 million years ago in a series of extreme global warming events,... Read More
  • In Their Own Words
    - In Their Own Words
    William Clyde, associate professor of Earth science, won the university’s Outstanding Associate Professor award in 2013. A donation by philanthropists Arnold P. Hanson and Della... Read More
  • satellite orbiting earth
    - Dazzling Discoveries
    The Van Allen Probes elliptical orbits will range in altitude from 373 to 23,000 miles. Artist's rendering courtesy of Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory One year after... Read More