Carsey School of Public Policy

Kristy Miyashita in various scenes of her Peace Corps work in Paraguay

Navigating Outside of Four Walls

“I want to reframe everyone’s mindset that nursing and human security can’t go together, because they can and should. I think there’s this very strong, preconceived notion that nurses are at the bedside and we’re just clinicians,” says Kristy Miyashita, a current master’s student pursuing a Global... Read More

Recent Stories

  • Image of Ken Johnson
    - The Union Leader: Census: For first time in more than 200 years, NH's population exceeds Maine's
    Carsey School's Senior Demographer Ken Johnson discusses how New Hampshire's population has surpassed that of Maine, according to new estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. Read More
  • Michael Ettlinger
    - The Policy People
    Michael Ettlinger was a newbie in the tax policy world when his boss turned to him one day and said: “Go do CNN for me.” Those were daunting words for someone who was still... Read More
  • President Mark W. Huddleston
    - The View from T-Hall: Political Prime Time
    Every four years, our students can enjoy front-row seats for a uniquely New Hampshire tradition and one of the world’s most closely watched political events: the first-in-the-... Read More
  • UNH professor Larry Hamilton
    - Climate Change Cooperation
    Leaders from across the globe have convened in Paris for COP21, the United Nations’ climate summit, where they are working toward a “strong climate agreement.” Here at UNH,... Read More
  • Andrew Jaccoma, founder of Sensible Spreader Technologies
    - A Sensible Venture
    It’s coming up on a year since the annual Social Venture Innovation Challenge put hard cash into the hands of budding entrepreneurs, and we thought we’d check in with a couple of... Read More
  • Bradley and Shannon Calabro of Amano Mobile Grocery Stores
    - Making Food Deserts History
    It’s coming up on a year since the annual Social Venture Innovation Challenge put hard cash into the hands of budding entrepreneurs, and we thought we'd check in with a couple of... Read More
  • UNH campus
    - UNH Welcomes New Faculty
    Members of the class of 2019 aren’t the only ones who began their UNH careers this month. The university is welcoming 87 new faculty members to the community. Here is a list of... Read More
  • University of New Hampshire
    - UNH Facilitation Lab Seeks to Keep Civility in Municipal Meetings
    John Berst is a big man with a big voice — the kind of voice any actor would envy for its ability to project to the back of the theater. To own a room. And at this moment, John... Read More
  • Republicans and Democrats
    - In Science We Trust?
    Gun control. Abortion. The death penalty. You wouldn’t be alone in assuming that these are the hot-button issues that create the widest philosophical and political divide between... Read More
  • Lewis Feldstein and Marcy Carsey
    - Doubly Honored
    On September 19, alumni and friends gathered to bestow the University of New Hampshire’s two highest honors on alumna Marcy Peterson Carsey ’66, ’88H and Lewis Feldstein. Carsey,... Read More