Recent Stories

  • UNH alumna Lori Robinson '81
    - Commanding
    Lori Robinson This UNH alumna has a new job. In a vote on Thursday, April 28, the U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed U.S. Air Force General Lori Robinson ’81 as commander of U.S... Read More
  • William P. Pizzano '49
    - In Memoriam—William P. Pizzano '49
    His license plate number was UNH 1. “I’ve never met anyone more proud to be a UNH graduate than Bill Pizzano,” says Amy Sheehan, athletic department administrative... Read More
  • Thomas Edwards Kirkbride ’53
    - In Memoriam—Thomas Edwards Kirkbride ’53
    After graduating with an ROTC commission as a second lieutenant, Thomas Kirkbride was posted in Germany with the U.S. Air Force. The experience sparked his interest in... Read More
  • veterans conversing
    - UNH Marks Veterans Day
    UNH marked Veterans Day 2014 with events, ceremonies and community service on campus and in local communities.   On Friday, UNH Army and Air Force ROTC cadets held vigil at the... Read More
  • Blackhawks in Boulder Field
  • eric hansen with air force helicopter
    - No Soldier Left Behind
    If you’re a fan of the National Geographic television series Inside Combat Rescue, you've probably been captivated by the exploits of the show’s stars, U.S. Air Force Capt. Eric... Read More
  • ralph townsend skiing
    - UNH Skier Awarded Purple Heart
    Ralph Townsend '49, '53G was a four-event skiing star at UNH before serving in World War II. Ralph J. Townsend was born in Lebanon, NH. After graduating high school in 1940, he... Read More