
Recent Stories

  • UNH Career Closet
    - Pass on Your Power Suits
    Step into your closet. See anything you haven’t worn in the past year? There’s someone who needs your extra ties and too-tight dress shoes more than you do. And his or her career... Read More
  • Tim Collins shaking hands with attendee
    - Tim Collins '85 Tours Eponymously Named Career Center
    On Monday evening, Paul College dean Arnold Garron, Paul College director of career services Charlene Zerbinopoulos and several Paul students gathered in the new Collins Career... Read More
  • kristina johnson with professor
    - Around the World and Back Again: One Veteran's Story
    Growing up, Kristina Johnson noticed that in her town, not many people left to see the world. But she wanted to. That wanderlust didn't change after graduating Goffstown High... Read More
  • National Science Foundation Logo
    - CAREER Builder: Three UNH Faculty Members Receive Prestigious Awards
    Three UNH faculty members have received prestigious National Science Foundation awards to support their work predicting earthquakes, recycling carbon dioxide into fuel and... Read More
  • donated suits from career closet
    - A Closet for Career Seekers
    You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression, but making a good impression can be expensive—especially if you’re a college student with a wardrobe that’s more jeans... Read More
  • tracey ellis
    - Global OT
    As an occupational therapist, Tracey Ellis ’93 is trained to solve problems.  So when her Washington, D.C.-based Ellis Therapeutic Consultants began delivering occupational... Read More
  • jake debow
    - In His Father’s Footsteps
    At home in the woods: Jake DeBow has an abiding love for the Granite State with its immediate access to the natural world and abundant wildlife. Photo by Victoria Forester... Read More
  • fred olsen on stage speaking to students
    - A Hit with Students
    Fred Olsen '97 addresses a standing room only audience about his journey from UNH to the Front Office of the Boston Red Sox. What are the odds of a kid growing up in Durham, never... Read More
  • Laurie Folkes '70
    - Act Two
    Laurie Folkes ’70 knew he was taking a risk when he decided to move from computer sales to acting during the country’s worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. But if he... Read More
  • "where is my office now?" sign
    - On a Roll
        Emily King and Corey Smith pose in front of Boscha, the name they gave to the 1987 Volkswagen Vanagon where they live and work on the road. Read More