
Recent Stories

  • Graduate student Samantha Werner '14
    - Passion for Policy
    Master's student Samantha Werner '14 received the Ecological Society of America's Graduate Student Policy Award. Samantha Werner ’14 wants to bring local food to the policy... Read More
  • Andrew Phinney '14 in Nepal as Peace Corps volunteer
    - The Right Place, the Right Time
      The Arghakhanchi District of Nepal is a mountainous region west of Kathmandu that is covered with fields of corn and rice as well as lush, forested valleys. “It’s probably the... Read More
  • UNH graduate student Kaitlyn Orde
    - On Trial: Spinach
    New Hampshire growers interested in adding spinach to their winter crop production soon will have additional information to help them select which varieties to grow and when to... Read More
  • UNH assistant professor Iago Hale
    - Fresh, Local … Kiwis?
    If Iago Hale has his way, in a few years you may be topping your breakfast cereal with a handful of fresh kiwiberries you bought at your local farmer’s market. That’s right, local... Read More
  • Shawn Jasper '89
    - Mr. Speaker, Public Servant
    Growing up on his family’s poultry farm in Hudson, New Hampshire, Shawn Jasper ’89 quickly learned about the pecking order. When new chickens are introduced to an existing flock,... Read More
  • UNH researcher and plant developer Brent Loy
    - The Menu Makers
    As New Englanders sit down to give thanks this week, their Thanksgiving tables may be filled with an abundant supply of delicious, locally grown foods thanks, in part, to... Read More
  • Cover Page of New England Food Vision
    - Omnivore’s Delight
    With the annual Local Harvest Dinner as the jewel in its locavore crown, UNH is a national leader in bringing local food — some of it grown right here on campus — to the hungry... Read More
  • Bradley and Shannon Calabro of Amano Mobile Grocery Stores
    - Making Food Deserts History
    It’s coming up on a year since the annual Social Venture Innovation Challenge put hard cash into the hands of budding entrepreneurs, and we thought we'd check in with a couple of... Read More
  • In Memoriam—Carleton Wentworth '37
    - In Memoriam—Carleton Wentworth '37
    Carleton Wentworth loved being outdoors, tending his expansive vegetable and flower gardens and  picture-perfect lawn. His love of nature began in his childhood during... Read More
  • UNH professor Iago Hale
    - Yes, You Can Grow (Hardy) Kiwis in New England
    The first time Iago Hale popped a cold-hardy kiwifruit in his mouth, he was left speechless, amazed that he had never encountered the delicious fruit before. Now the researcher... Read More