UNH Today

Bruce Sacerdote Delivers Hogan Lecture at Paul College

Have you ever considered that the people you grew up with could be critical factors in shaping your future education and finances? 

These peer effects occur daily as people continuously impact those around them by providing social and professional connections and modeling each other’s behavior. 

Bruce Sacerdote dove deep into the subject of “Impacts of Neighborhood: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do,” during the John A. Hogan Distinguished Lecture on March 28 at the UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics. 

UNH Research Finds Simpler and Cost-Effective Forensics Test to Help Identify Touch DNA

Television dramas, like CSI and NCIS, make criminal investigations look easy. In real life, DNA testing can be challenging and requires expensive equipment, special facilities and extensive training to identify DNA from a crime scene and determine which belongs to a potential suspect and which may have been transferred from someone who was never there. Research from the University of New Hampshire has found a less expensive and easier-to-use test to learn more about forensic touch DNA.