
Recent Stories

  • Library Study Buddies
    - Library Study Buddies
    University of New Hampshire students help beat the stress of finals week with help from therapy dogs from Pet Partners. Part of the Frazzle Free Finals at the Dimond Library.... Read More
  • poinsettias
    - Popular Poinsettia Open House
    The popular Poinsettia Trials Open House is at the University of New Hampshire Dec. 5 – 7, 2013. The Macfarlane Greenhouses, the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, and... Read More
  • jazz and classical music concert
    - Durham Goes “Pop”!
    Listen to Something and This Guy's In Love With You For one special night in November, Johnson Theater resonated with an orchestrated jazz/classical mix created by Mark Shilansky... Read More
  • In Their Own Words
    - In Their Own Words
    Leslie Couse is an associate professor of education in the College of Liberal Arts at UNH. She won an Excellence in Teaching Award in 2013. Leslie Couse believes that excellent... Read More
  • Meet the “Godfather of UV Disinfection”
    - Meet the “Godfather of UV Disinfection”
    James Malley is the Davison Professor of Environmental Engineering and Director of the Environmental Research Group at the University of New Hampshire. He won the 2013 Excellence... Read More
  • jim conant, matthew broderick and sean conant
    - For the People
    (l to r) Jim Conant, Matthew Broderick, and Sean Conant (© 2013 RISING PICTURE COMPANY) What started out as a father-son quest to view all five copies of the Gettysburg Address... Read More
  • earth from space
    - Back to the Future
    This image shows a future view of the world in equilibrium at 2,000 parts per million of atmospheric carbon dioxide (current level is 393 ppm). Sea level is higher by some 260... Read More
  • steve kossakoski
    - Serving the Granite State
    Steve Kossakoski, who earned a master’s degree in education and doctorate in education administration at UNH, founded New Hampshire’s only public online high school, the Virtual... Read More
  • In Their Own Words
    - In Their Own Words
    Associate Professor of Marketing Goksel Yalcinkaya came to UNH in 2007 and immediately began to assume a critical role in the educational missions of Paul College’s undergraduate... Read More
  • will clyde with graduate student
    - Warming Earth, Shrinking Mammals
    Graduate student Abigail D'Ambrosia (at right) and geology professor Will Clyde When the Earth heated up about 50 million years ago in a series of extreme global warming events,... Read More