
Recent Stories

  • UNH student Abby Koczera ‘17 at Apple
    - A Summer at Apple
    On the day Apple revealed its latest products, Abby Koczera ‘17 might have been feeling a bit nostalgic about her summer despite being in the midst of a busy fall semester. That... Read More
  • STEM Docents Training at Piscataquog River in Manchester
    - STEM Sell
    After an unbroken string of unusually hot, dry days, the skies finally opened on Wednesday, Aug. 10, drenching the 12 STEM docents who had gathered at the Piscataquog River in... Read More
  • UNH professor of physics Mark McConnell
    - McConnell Is New SwRI-EOS Director
    Professor of physics Mark McConnell is the new director of the collaborative Southwest Research Institute Earth, Oceans and Space department at UNH. Read More
  • UNH graduate student Lesley Atwood
    - Stories of Science
    One of the most challenging aspects of any scientist's work is successfully explaining to lay audiences the details and importance of complex research, but several College of Life... Read More
  • NH state legislator Thomas Sherman talks to UNH students
    - Combating the Crisis
    Four years ago, if you had asked Dr. Thomas Sherman, a practicing gastroenterologist and a representative in the New Hampshire Legislature, if he’d eventually have a part in... Read More
  • UNH instrument used on NASA MMS satellite
    - Magnetic Mysteries, Decoded
    A NASA rocket carrying instruments developed by scientists, engineers and students from UNH’s Space Science Center (SSC) has obtained the first-ever data of an elusive phenomenon... Read More
  • cow
    - High Tech Holsteins
    It’s the middle of the night, and doctoral student Kayla Aragona has just received a text message on her cell phone from a cow in labor at the UNH Fairchild Dairy Teaching and... Read More
  • UNH's uSafeNH app
    - Help At Their Fingertips
    It’s hard to decide which statistic is more alarming: the one that says approximately 20 percent of all female college students (and 5 percent of their male counterparts) are... Read More
  • Tech Camp at UNH
    - Campers Tech Out on STEM
    Not every student from the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences left campus for the summer break; some stuck around to help put on Tech Camp, a program where youth in... Read More
  • Researchers Kevin Jerram and Evgenia Bazhenova at the North Pole, with American and Russian flags
    - Polar Explorers
    Halfway through their six-week research cruise of the Arctic Ocean, UNH researchers Kevin Jerram and Evgenia Bazhenova visited the North Pole. Read More