
Recent Stories

  • Jacob Withee, bee whisperer
    - Bee Bullies
    While a graduate student in zoology at UNH, Jacob Withee '16G studied the effects of aggression on the social behavior of Ceratina calcurata, commonly known as small carpenter... Read More
  • Quinoa field trials at UNH
    - Crazy for Quinoa?
    UNH researchers are exploring whether a high-value crop could be grown successfully in northern New England. Read More
  • UNH student tracking moose in New Hampshire's northern woods
    - Tracking a Troubled Icon
    The iconic moose is in decline. Here's what UNH researchers are doing about it.  Read More
  • abstract sustainability illustration of leaves, eyes, bugs and part of an institution
    - Blue and White and Green All Over
    Take a walk through campus and it’s easy to get lost in UNH’s natural beauty. Tree-lined sidewalks border burbling streams and wander over gently rolling hills and past jutting... Read More
  • an illustration of corn plants growing out of the earth and a plate of food
    - Farm to Future
    Exploring the link between food and sustainability. Read More
  • illustration of buildings against a green circular background
    - A Carbon-Neutral Future
    Ask Cameron Wake to describe UNH’s response to reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) and one word comes to mind: aggressive. WildCAP, the university’s climate action plan, is “... Read More
  • UNH student Kathryn Bennett ’18
    - Starting Somewhere
    For Kathryn Bennett ’18, a student in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, an interest in sustainability began at a young age. “I have always been passionate about... Read More
  • illustration of a person presenting research
    - People Power
    Former UNH provost John Aber is a world-renowned expert in natural resources and the environment who today concentrates most of his research in the area of sustainable ecosystem... Read More
  • UNH's Flow Physics Facility Wind Tunnel
    - Win(d)-Win Proposition
    Nike’s “Breaking2” running project tapped UNH’s Flow Physics Facility. Read More
  • illustration of a life preserver with food in it
    - Tackling Student Hunger
    Some 25 percent of UNH students have at a time gone hungry, Alana Davidson ’17 learned when she conducted a survey for a research project. Read More