Global Reach

Students working with compost in the bed of a truck

10 Ways UNH is Helping to Save the Earth

Sustainability and a planet-friendly ethos have long been core UNH values. The university is home to the country’s first endowed Sustainability Institute, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2023, and was one of only three institutions of higher education in the U.S. to earn the STARS Platinum... Read More

Recent Stories

  • moon raker model
    - To the Moon and Back
    Tamir Blum ’16 is a mechanical engineering major who has thought about one day working with robots. Or maybe for a company whose focus is outer space. Either way, he’s got a... Read More
  • UNH professors Andy Smith and Dante Scala
    - A Primary Primary
    Even if you weren’t born here, if you’ve stood in a long line outside town hall during the dismal month of March — perhaps in driving rain or blizzard conditions — to vote in the... Read More
  • John Marshall '87 - UNH
    - The Road I've Traveled: Who Said Grownups Have to be Practical?
    Also read a Q&A with John Marshall '87 I am surrounded by children, all wanting to be seen. “Pick me up, Uncle,” they clamor, but my arms are full. My heart is full, too. I... Read More
  • Job Heintz '90 - UNH
    - Reaching the Unreachable
    When Job Heintz ’90 looks back on his time at UNH, one lesson in particular stands out. He had walked onto the varsity hockey team after a successful high school career, with... Read More
  • UNH alumna Christine Cornell Ieronimo
    - A Thirst for Knowledge
    Christine Cornell Ieronimo ’90 never thought she’d write a children’s book, “Not in a million years,” she laughs. She also never imagined that one day she would adopt a child from... Read More
  • UNH/Nasa Launch Mission March 2015
    - Inquiring Minds
        The Big Burp Theory Geologists drill for climate clues About 55 million years ago, the Earth burped up a massive release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere — an amount... Read More
  • UNH scientists on NOAA ship
    - Testing the Waters
    Led by UNH biogeochemical oceanographer Joe Salisbury, a group of 15 scientists is currently aboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research vessel Gordon... Read More
  • Pope Francis
    - The Winds of (Climate) Change
    On Thursday, June 18, 2015, Pope Francis made history in an encyclical — a papal letter that is distributed to all bishops in the Roman Catholic Church — entitled “Laudato Si,” in... Read More
  • Two researchers in front of a brightly colored screen depicting the seafloor
    - More Than Mapping
    Since its founding in 1999, UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM), along with the complementary Joint Hydrographic Center (a NOAA partner), has established itself as... Read More
  • UNH Cooperative Extension team headed to Vietnam
    - Save the Shrimp
    On Saturday, June 13, a marine biologist and media technologist from UNH Cooperative Extension will board a plane in Boston and fly 21 hours to Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon,... Read More