Beth Potier

Beth Potier's Articles

  • UNH grad student Melissa Melendez stands on the deck of a research vessel.

    Finish-Line Fellowship

    UNH doctoral student Melissa Meléndez-Oyola has received a prestigious Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship.
  • Kingsbury Hall

    CAREER Success Times Two

    Two UNH faculty receive prestigious NSF early career awards.
  • Edward Song

    Engineering Neuroscience

    Edward Song, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, received a prestigious CAREER award from the National Science Foundation.
  • Arctic mountains and sea with text "the Arctic is melting. Is it time to panic?"

    Melting Arctic

    An international panel of researchers, including UNH's Larry Mayer and Nancy Kinner, will discuss Arctic change and melting.
  • Desert mouse

    Mighty Mice

    Desert rodents could help humans survive dehydration.
  • Top Tier Research

    Head of the Class(ification)

    UNH has achieved top-tier research recognition.
  • Illustration of a fish, seaweed, mussel

    Fishing for Fortunes

    From the icy waters of the Gulf of Maine to clean drinking water in East Africa, UNH innovations enhance economic opportunities.
  • Jan Nisbet and James Dean talk in his office

    A Closing Inquiry

    James W. Dean Jr., who became UNH's 20th president in June 2018, speaks with senior vice provost for research Jan Nisbet about partnerships, research and his vision for UNH.
  • Chanda Prescod-Weinstein stands in front of a chalkboard with equations

    New to the Faculty

    Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is a theoretical cosmologist whose scholarship breaks down intellectual and disciplinary barriers.
  • Mike Paglia and Dave Hallal in an empty warehouse

    Biotech Innovators

    David Hallal ’88 and Mike Paglia ’02G are united in ElevateBio, a new venture for cell and gene therapy innovation.
  • Sachiko Akiyama works on a large wood sculpture

    Sculpture Spaces

    Assistant professor of sculpture Sachiko Akiyama received a major grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.

    Next in XPRIZE

    More than 80 percent of our Earth’s seafloor is not mapped to high resolution; we have a clearer picture of the surface of Mars than of the ocean floor. A team of UNH alumni has created an ocean...
  • Jennifer Jacobs

    Insights on a Changing Climate

    UNH research left its mark on the monumental Fourth National Climate Assessment, released in November 2018 by 13 government agencies. Jennifer Jacobs, professor of civil and environmental engineering...
  • Dacheng Lin

    Black Hole Discovery

    A team of space scientists led by UNH Space Science Center research assistant professor Dacheng Lin discovered an elusive intermediate mass black hole when the researchers spied it (thanks to a trio...
  • Moose

    Drained Dry

    The winter tick — a tiny parasite thriving as winters warm and shorten — is decimating northern New England’s moose population, a three-year UNH study found.
  • Corinna Jenkins Tucker

    Teen Chaos

    For adolescents navigating the rocky road of physical and emotional changes, a disorganized and unstable home life can lead to greater depression, poorer physical health and increased likelihood of...
  • Student works on vacuum chamber in UNH's Space Science Center.

    Top Tier

    UNH has risen to the top echelon of research universities in the country.
  • Professor William McDowell in his lab


    UNH faculty members have achieved major honors recently.
  • Hydrographic Hall of Fame

    Hydrographic Hall of Fame

    Andy Armstrong, the NOAA co-director of UNH's Joint Hydrographic Center, was honored by the Hydrographic Society of America.
  • Car driving on flooded roadway

    Climate Change Woes

    UNH professor Jennifer Jacobs was a lead author on the landmark Fourth National Climate Assessment released recently by 13 government agencies.
  • Professor Wheeler Ruml beside a robot

    Fellow of Invention

    Wheeler Ruml, a professor of computer science at UNH, has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
  • FindScholars@UNH Launches

    FindScholars@UNH Launches

    UNH has launched a new tool to help share the university's research and scholarship.
  • Aerial view of fracking research site

    Into the Microbial Deep

    A Department of Energy grant is supporting UNH research on hydraulic fracturing.
  • Man sitting in a driving simulator wearing augmeted reality goggles

    Creating the Self-Driving Office of the Future

    UNH has received NSF funding for automated vehicle research.
  • Research Communications Academy

    Research Communications Academy

    Faculty, postdocs and graduate students can apply to participate in the first Research Communications Academy.
  • Three female college students gather around a video game

    To Teach Bystander Intervention, Try a Video Game

    A new study from UNH's Prevention Innovations Research Center has found video games show promise as tools for sexual assault prevention.
  • A view of the UNH campus in autumn

    Committed to Collaborative Research Excellence

    Fourteen interdisciplinary teams of UNH researchers have received $425,000 in CoRE funding.
  • A view of UNH's Kingsbury Hall in autumn

    Robot Therapy

    This interdisciplinary effort unites computer science and human movement.
  • UNH's James Houle

    Environmental Honors

    The EPA has honored James Houle and the UNH Center for Freshwater Biology with Environmental Merit Awards for clean water achievements.
  • UNH's Alex Padilla

    Listening to Bubbles

    UNH doctoral student Alexandra Padilla has received a prestigious National Science fellowship.
  • Emaciated moose

    A Population At Risk

    Northern New Hampshire and western Maine are seeing an increase in winter ticks, which are endangering the moose population.
  • Beach on Lake Erie

    Not Taking the Plunge

    New research from UNH finds that as climate changes, so does lake recreation behavior.
  • UNH mechanical engineering professor Yaning Li

    Inspired by Nature

    Mechanical engineering professor Yaning Li looks to nature’s shapes and structures to create innovative new materials.
  • Undersea image of a fish in seaweed

    Nowhere To Hide

    New research from UNH finds that changes in seaweed "forests" may be harmful for an ecologically important fish.
  • Five CEPS students standing beside a poster at URC

    Engaging With Industry

    For their senior capstone project, five UNH undergraduates developed a new cleaning robot for Massachusetts company Symbotic.
  • UNH professor of history Jeff Bolster driving a boat

    Revelle Lecture

    Professor of history Jeffrey Bolster was selected by the National Academy of Sciences to deliver its prestigious Revelle Commemorative Lecture.
  • Ship

    SMSOE Participates in Consortium on Research Vessels

    The University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography has created a consortium with two major institutions
  • Physics professor Jiadong Zang

    Computing on the Head of a Pin

    Physics professor Jiadong Zang has discovered a materials combination that could lead to tiny computers.
  • Overhead shot of COLSA Undergraduate ResearchConference

    Undergraduate Inquiry

    Students present their original research, scholarly activity and creative works at the Undergraduate Research Conference  April 17 – 28, 2018.
  • Jeep drives through water on flooded coastal road.

    Rising Tides, Increasing Floods

    New research from UNH finds that so-called "nuisance flooding" along coastal roads has increased 90 percent in the past 20 years.
  • Field with subtle hills

    Washboard Landscape

    Newly discovered  Seacoast-area ridges may hold clues about ice age, climate change.
  • Professor Ben Chandran at chalkboard

    Fellow in Physics

    UNH professor of physics Benjamin Chandran was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
  • Researcher Matt MacManes seated in his lab

    New Research Aims To Help Humans Survive Dehydration

    A major NIH grant will help professor Matt MacManes understand dehydration by studying a tiny desert rodent.
  • Large group of hydrographers at the edge of the ocean

    Next in XPRIZE

    A UNH-led team has qualified for the final round of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE.
  • Postdoctoral researcher Kerri Seger speaks into a microphone

    Fulbright Scholar

    Postdoc Kerri Seger listens to whales in Colombia.
  • Great Bay

    Keeping Great Bay Great

    Across the disciplines and decades, UNH research has helped understand and improve this valuable resource.
  • Abigail D'Ambrosia

    Warming Earth, Shrinking Mammals

    A graduate student's findings from 50 million years ago give insight into future impacts of climate change.
  • UNHInnovation

    The Innovators

    Fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and contributing to economic development, UNHInnovation has been making waves.
  • Rocket launching

    Better (Space) Weather Forecasts

    State-of-the-art space weather instruments developed by UNH researchers are heading into space.
  • UNH professor Pete Pekins in a meadow

    Tracking Moose

    Pete Pekins is leading a study on the dwindling moose population and the rise of the winter tick.
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