Beth Potier

Beth Potier's Articles

  • Scientific illustration of protease inhibitor

    COVID Collaboration

    UNH has launched six new interdisciplinary research projects aimed at addressing the challenges of coronavirus.
  • SPARK 2020

    Editor’s Note

    Welcome to SPARK, UNH’s annual review of research and scholarship
  • Amy Michael

    Warming a Cold Case

    UNH anthropologist helps identify century-old remains
  • Will Clyde and Anthony Fuentes ’19G

    Fossil Frenzy

    Paleontologists assist in “game-changing” fossil find
  • President Dean

    Insider Wisdom

    UNH president decodes academia for business people
  • Shannon Rogers

    Paths to Prosperity

    Cooperative Extension connects towns with their “nature economies”
  • Dam

    Dam Dilemma

    Majority in N.H. favor removing dams unless they’re providing power
  • headshot of history professory Michael Leese

    NEH Award to Michael Leese

    Michael Leese, assistant professor of history, has received a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend award to work on his second book, which will focus on the role of institutions in...
  • Printing Protection

    Printing Protection

    UNH's 3D printers are contributing to the COVID-19 effort by printing parts for medical face shields. Photo by Heather MacNeill.
  • Marian McCord

    Poised to Take Great Leaps

    MARIAN MCCORD, UNH’s new senior vice provost for research, economic engagement and outreach, describes herself as a “firm supporter and fan of” the mission of land-grant universities. “Universities...
  • Torso sketch
  • UNH Provost Wayne Jones

    Provost of Invention

    UNH provost Wayne Jones — also an inorganic chemist, materials scientist and patent-holder — has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
  • Close-up image of North American carpenter bee on black background

    What’s the Buzz?

    A new study looks at the "almost-social" North American carpenter bee to better understand how honeybees evolved such complex social lives.
  • Anthropologist Amy Michael and law enforcement officers at the entrance to the cave where Joseph Henry Loveless's body was found

    Warming a Cold Case

    UNH anthropology lecturer Amy Michael helped crack a cold case of more than a century, identifying the remains of outlaw Joseph Henry Loveless in Idaho.

    Eyes on the XPRIZE

    Today, less than 10 percent of the world’s oceans have been mapped to high resolution. But efforts to map the remaining 90 percent could happen more quickly than previously expected, thanks in part...
  • GLIMR infographic


    In August, UNH received from NASA its largest-ever single research contract: $107.9 million to develop a space-based instrument to study coastal ecosystems near the Gulf of Mexico. Led by research...
  • Highly Cited

    Highly Cited

    Two UNH faculty members — professor of sociology David Finkelhor and professor of natural resources Serita Frey — are among the Web of Science Group’s 2019 Highly Cited Researchers. 
  • Two male paleontologists collect rocks on a dusty hillside

    Fossil Bonanza

    UNH researchers contributed to a major study that shows how life on Earth rebounded after an asteroid wiped out dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
  • Thompson Hall and fall trees seen from above

    Communicating Scholarship

    UNH’s second annual Research Communications Academy (RCA), scheduled for spring semester 2020, is now accepting applications.
  • Alley Leach and Jenn Andrews from UNH Sustainability Institute hold their UNH Innovator of the Year trophy

    Innovating Campus Sustainability

    Jennifer Andrews ’02, ’08G and Allison Leach ’18G of the UNH Sustainaibility Institute (UNHSI) have been named the 2019 J. Brent Loy Innovators of the Year.
  • Student in orange helmet perched on edge of rock, about to rappel down

    For Teens, Outdoors Is Greater

    A new study from UNH has found that adventure therapy is less expensive and more effecitve than traditional therapy.
  • Overhead shot of Thompson Hall with fall foliage

    CoRE Support

    Interdisciplinary research projects receive support.
  • Thompson Hall on UNH campus shot from above, with sun setting behind

    Cool Honor

    UNH has received an award from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
  • NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine and U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen visited UNH to meet with faculty members and students

    NASA Lands at UNH

    NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine and U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen meet with faculty members and students working on space science projects.  
  • Filling a plastic cup with drinking water at a fountain

    Informing Arsenic Policy With Research

    Research from a team of economics researchers from UNH helped New Hampshire pass lower limits for arsenic in municipal drinking water.
  • Dam Dilemma

    Dam Dilemma

    New survey data shows that New Hampshire residents favor removing dams unless they're providing hydropower.
  • Tamara Marcus smiles at the camera wearing an orange printed top

    Making Climate Connections

    Tamara Marcus researching methane emissions from permafrost in northern Sweden. Photo by Ruth Varner.
  • Flooded road blocked with yellow tape and "high water" sign

    Pounding the Pavement

    New research from UNH shows that thicker asphalt could extend the life cycle of roads — and save money — as the effects of climate change stress them.
  • Sharyn Potter testifying before Congress with male in background

    Potter Testifies

    Sharyn Potter of UNH's Prevention Innovations Research Center testified recently before a House of Representatives veteran affairs subcommittee.
  • A tour of UNH's John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Lab

    A Closer Look

    NUMIFORM attendees tour the John Olson Center for Advanced Manufacturing with UNH faculty.
  • Four horseshoe crabs partially submerged near shoreline

    Crabs in Peril

    New research from UNH has found that horseshoe crabs, whose blue blood is harvested by the biomedical industry for its unique ability to test devices and injectable drugs for contamination, spawn...
  • Uncrewed surface vessel (USV), SEA-KIT MAXLIMER, that pairs with an autonomous underwater vehicle to map the seafloor remotely.

    UNH Alumni Team Wins XPRIZE

    A team of UNH alumni has won the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, a global competition to advance deep-sea technologies for ocean floor exploration.
  • Madeline Juffras '19 working on scientific equipment in a wetland

    Inquiring Minds

    UNH's Inquiry journal highlights undergraduate research.
  • Cheryl Andam, assistant professor of molecular, cellular and biomedical science at UNH

    Microbial Mystery

    Cheryl Andam, assistant professor of molecular, cellular and biomedical sciences, has received a major NSF CAREER award.
  • Researchers take a soil sample

    Increasing UNH’s Impact

    Faculty, grad students complete first-ever Research Communications Academy.
  • University of New Hampshire welcome sign

    Research on the Edge

    See why UNH is among the nation’s top research universities.
  • UNH grad student Melissa Melendez stands on the deck of a research vessel.

    Finish-Line Fellowship

    UNH doctoral student Melissa Meléndez-Oyola has received a prestigious Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship.
  • Kingsbury Hall

    CAREER Success Times Two

    Two UNH faculty receive prestigious NSF early career awards.
  • Edward Song

    Engineering Neuroscience

    Edward Song, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, received a prestigious CAREER award from the National Science Foundation.
  • Arctic mountains and sea with text "the Arctic is melting. Is it time to panic?"

    Melting Arctic

    An international panel of researchers, including UNH's Larry Mayer and Nancy Kinner, will discuss Arctic change and melting.
  • Desert mouse

    Mighty Mice

    Desert rodents could help humans survive dehydration.
  • Top Tier Research

    Head of the Class(ification)

    UNH has achieved top-tier research recognition.
  • Illustration of a fish, seaweed, mussel

    Fishing for Fortunes

    From the icy waters of the Gulf of Maine to clean drinking water in East Africa, UNH innovations enhance economic opportunities.
  • Jan Nisbet and James Dean talk in his office

    A Closing Inquiry

    James W. Dean Jr., who became UNH's 20th president in June 2018, speaks with senior vice provost for research Jan Nisbet about partnerships, research and his vision for UNH.
  • Chanda Prescod-Weinstein stands in front of a chalkboard with equations

    New to the Faculty

    Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is a theoretical cosmologist whose scholarship breaks down intellectual and disciplinary barriers.
  • Mike Paglia and Dave Hallal in an empty warehouse

    Biotech Innovators

    David Hallal ’88 and Mike Paglia ’02G are united in ElevateBio, a new venture for cell and gene therapy innovation.
  • Sachiko Akiyama works on a large wood sculpture

    Sculpture Spaces

    Assistant professor of sculpture Sachiko Akiyama received a major grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.

    Next in XPRIZE

    More than 80 percent of our Earth’s seafloor is not mapped to high resolution; we have a clearer picture of the surface of Mars than of the ocean floor. A team of UNH alumni has created an ocean...
  • Jennifer Jacobs

    Insights on a Changing Climate

    UNH research left its mark on the monumental Fourth National Climate Assessment, released in November 2018 by 13 government agencies. Jennifer Jacobs, professor of civil and environmental engineering...
  • Dacheng Lin

    Black Hole Discovery

    A team of space scientists led by UNH Space Science Center research assistant professor Dacheng Lin discovered an elusive intermediate mass black hole when the researchers spied it (thanks to a trio...
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