Beth Potier
Beth Potier's Articles
Birx Visit
Dr. Deborah Birx, U.S. coronavirus response coordinator, visited UNH's state-of-the-art COVID-19 test lab. -
Excellence, Times Two
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, assistant professor of physics and core faculty in women’s and gender studies at UNH, has received the American Physical Society’s (APS) Edward A. Bouchet Award. The award... -
A Research Record
UNH closed FY20 with a record-breaking $129 million in new grants and contracts for research. -
Creating a Workforce
UNH will engage middle and high school teachers and students in Manchester, Nashua, Portsmouth, Dover and Barrington as well as Lawrence, Mass., to develop a pipeline to support the state’s... -
Environmental Justice
Simone Chapman ’20G, a master’s student in environmental conservation at UNH, has received a Science Policy Fellowship from the Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences,... -
Improving STEM Education
UNH will lead a master teacher program to support STEM education in Manchester, Nashua and Rochester schools. -
Smoke on the Water
UNH researchers will study Amazonia's wildfire history from thousands of years ago to understand how fire might affect the region in the future. -
Fisheries Funding
With new NOAA grants, UNH marine research aims to bring better, more sustainable seafood to the table. -
Mind the (Data) Gaps
Gaps in available data impede our understanding of heavy metals in Alaskan soils that can harm human health, a team of UNH researchers have found. -
Professional Honor
Director of research development Kathy Cataneo received an award from the National Organization of Research Professionals. -
Sage of the Sea
To celebrate World Oceans Day June 8, Jennifer Miksis-Olds will participate in an ocean-themed quiz bowl against high school champions. -
Fingerprinting Kiwiberries
A new partnership between UNH and Hartmann's Plant Company in Michigan aims to ensure that every bite of a kiwiberry is as delicious as the next one, a level of product control essential to growing... -
Energy-Health Nexus
Jeannie Sowers will study the health impacts of infrastructure destruction in the Middle East. -
Enhancing Teaching
The American Physiological Society selected Patricia Halpin, associate professor of biological science and biotechnology at UNH Manchester, to receive its Teaching Career Enhancement Award. -
COVID Collaboration
UNH has launched six new interdisciplinary research projects aimed at addressing the challenges of coronavirus. -
Editor’s Note
Welcome to SPARK, UNH’s annual review of research and scholarship -
Warming a Cold Case
UNH anthropologist helps identify century-old remains -
Fossil Frenzy
Paleontologists assist in “game-changing” fossil find -
Insider Wisdom
UNH president decodes academia for business people -
Paths to Prosperity
Cooperative Extension connects towns with their “nature economies” -
Dam Dilemma
Majority in N.H. favor removing dams unless they’re providing power -
NEH Award to Michael Leese
Michael Leese, assistant professor of history, has received a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend award to work on his second book, which will focus on the role of institutions in... -
Printing Protection
UNH's 3D printers are contributing to the COVID-19 effort by printing parts for medical face shields. Photo by Heather MacNeill. -
Poised to Take Great Leaps
MARIAN MCCORD, UNH’s new senior vice provost for research, economic engagement and outreach, describes herself as a “firm supporter and fan of” the mission of land-grant universities. “Universities... -
Provost of Invention
UNH provost Wayne Jones — also an inorganic chemist, materials scientist and patent-holder — has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. -
What’s the Buzz?
A new study looks at the "almost-social" North American carpenter bee to better understand how honeybees evolved such complex social lives. -
Warming a Cold Case
UNH anthropology lecturer Amy Michael helped crack a cold case of more than a century, identifying the remains of outlaw Joseph Henry Loveless in Idaho. -
Eyes on the XPRIZE
Today, less than 10 percent of the world’s oceans have been mapped to high resolution. But efforts to map the remaining 90 percent could happen more quickly than previously expected, thanks in part... -
In August, UNH received from NASA its largest-ever single research contract: $107.9 million to develop a space-based instrument to study coastal ecosystems near the Gulf of Mexico. Led by research... -
Highly Cited
Two UNH faculty members — professor of sociology David Finkelhor and professor of natural resources Serita Frey — are among the Web of Science Group’s 2019 Highly Cited Researchers. -
Fossil Bonanza
UNH researchers contributed to a major study that shows how life on Earth rebounded after an asteroid wiped out dinosaurs 66 million years ago. -
Communicating Scholarship
UNH’s second annual Research Communications Academy (RCA), scheduled for spring semester 2020, is now accepting applications. -
Innovating Campus Sustainability
Jennifer Andrews ’02, ’08G and Allison Leach ’18G of the UNH Sustainaibility Institute (UNHSI) have been named the 2019 J. Brent Loy Innovators of the Year. -
For Teens, Outdoors Is Greater
A new study from UNH has found that adventure therapy is less expensive and more effecitve than traditional therapy. -
CoRE Support
Interdisciplinary research projects receive support. -
Cool Honor
UNH has received an award from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. -
NASA Lands at UNH
NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine and U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen meet with faculty members and students working on space science projects. -
Informing Arsenic Policy With Research
Research from a team of economics researchers from UNH helped New Hampshire pass lower limits for arsenic in municipal drinking water. -
Dam Dilemma
New survey data shows that New Hampshire residents favor removing dams unless they're providing hydropower. -
Making Climate Connections
Tamara Marcus researching methane emissions from permafrost in northern Sweden. Photo by Ruth Varner. -
Pounding the Pavement
New research from UNH shows that thicker asphalt could extend the life cycle of roads — and save money — as the effects of climate change stress them. -
Potter Testifies
Sharyn Potter of UNH's Prevention Innovations Research Center testified recently before a House of Representatives veteran affairs subcommittee. -
A Closer Look
NUMIFORM attendees tour the John Olson Center for Advanced Manufacturing with UNH faculty. -
Crabs in Peril
New research from UNH has found that horseshoe crabs, whose blue blood is harvested by the biomedical industry for its unique ability to test devices and injectable drugs for contamination, spawn... -
UNH Alumni Team Wins XPRIZE
A team of UNH alumni has won the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, a global competition to advance deep-sea technologies for ocean floor exploration. -
Inquiring Minds
UNH's Inquiry journal highlights undergraduate research. -
Microbial Mystery
Cheryl Andam, assistant professor of molecular, cellular and biomedical sciences, has received a major NSF CAREER award. -
Increasing UNH’s Impact
Faculty, grad students complete first-ever Research Communications Academy. -
Research on the Edge
See why UNH is among the nation’s top research universities.