
Marian McCord, Byron Kennedy and Steven Camilleri in the Olson Center

UNH Becomes Home to First U.S. Location for Global Innovator in Metal 3D Printing

UNH and Australian company SPEE3D, a global innovator in metal 3D printing technology, inaugurated the company’s first U.S.-based manufacturing and applications site at the university’s John Olson Advanced Manufacturing Center with a ribbon-cutting ceremony Monday, June 17. SPEE3D develops printers... Read More

Recent Stories

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  • University of New Hampshire
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  • Mike Vlacich '95
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  • President Mark W. Huddleston
    - The View from T-Hall: Political Prime Time
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  • John F. Kennedy speaking in New Hampshire Hall
    - Window of Opportunity
    On March 7, 1960, one day before the New Hampshire presidential primary, Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy arrived at UNH to deliver a speech in New Hampshire Hall.  Lou D’... Read More
  • Carolyn Riley
    - Semester in the City
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  • UNH professor Larry Hamilton
    - Climate Change Cooperation
    Leaders from across the globe have convened in Paris for COP21, the United Nations’ climate summit, where they are working toward a “strong climate agreement.” Here at UNH,... Read More