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  • photo of Joshua Meyrowitz
    - Celebrating Joshua Meyrowitz
    A retirement celebration for Joshua Meyrowitz, professor of communication, will be held on April 30, 2017, 5-7 p.m., at the Museum of Art. Read More
  • photo of Kei Saito
    - Juvenile Justice?
    Though well-intentioned, the laws targeting sex offenders have done little to achieve the intended effect of making children safer, according to sociology graduate student Kei... Read More
  • TSAS student Brian Hunter and advisor Tim Barretto
    - The Music Man
    When he learned about the loss of a music program for special education students, Brian Hunter ’17 found a way to use his passion for music to help others. Read More
  • UNH campus aerial
    - Taking Research to Market
    A new National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded initiative aims to foster entrepreneurship on campus and help take UNH-developed innovations from the lab to commercial markets. Read More
  • Elena Long
    - Forging a Path for LGBT Physicists
    Elena Long, a postdoctoral researcher in UNH’s physics department, made news twice in the final months of 2016. First, the Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National... Read More
  • Regenerating Tissue, Revitalizing Industry
    - Regenerating Tissue, Revitalizing Industry
    In December, UNH was tapped to play a leading role in a major national public-private institute that aims to launch an industry, headquartered in New Hampshire, that will develop... Read More
  • UNH faculty honors
    - Faculty Honors
    Top of page: Carnegie Fellow Ken Johnson, professor of sociology Above, top to bottom: CAREER award winners John Gibson, associate professor of mathematics; Yaning Li,... Read More
  • Creative Works - UNH
    - Recent Creative Works
    As a flagship public research university, our environment of innovation sparks creative expression. Here we spotlight the artistic and scholarly achievements of faculty in the... Read More
  • Project O.A.S.I.S.
    - Engineering an Oasis
    Growing up in India, Sid Nigam ’16 saw plenty of food insecurity and malnutrition. At UNH, the mechanical engineering student channeled a passion for sustainable, affordable food... Read More
  • Space Science at UNH
    - Research on the Edge: Space Science
    The first data from NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission (MMS), launched in 2015 with nearly half of its scientific instruments coordinated or built by UNH, were published in... Read More