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  • Paul College Poster Presentations - URC Week 2017
    - The Economists
    Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in economics at the UNH Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics put their research results on display in the great room... Read More
  • Thompson School Student Showcase
    - Thompson School Students Showcase Research
    Posters filled Cole Hall during the Thompson School's URC Student Showcase on Wednesday.  Read More
  • UNH plant breeding
    - Breeding Success
    In 1951, the "New Hampshire Midget" watermelon, developed at UNH by Albert F. Yeager, then head of the university’s horticulture department, won a gold medal in the All-American... Read More
  • UNH Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Symposium
    - Scenes from STEMland
    At the Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Symposium on Wednesday, Wildcats turned up the wow factor.  Read More
  • David Finkelhor
    - Keeping Kids Safe
    For decades, the Crimes against Children Research Center has worked tirelessly to keep children safe. Read More
  • Cast members in the UNH play 7 Boxes of Books
    - "7 Boxes of Books" Debuts at Hennessy Theatre
    The UNH theatre and dance department and the Mask and Dagger Dramatic Society have teamed up to bring audiences an original production. Read More
  • UNH student Amelia Keane
    - Keane Takes Over
    Senior biology student Amelia Keane took over the UofNH Snapchat account Wednesday, giving a behind-the-scenes look at the UNH Manchester Undergraduate Research Conference and... Read More
  • UNH student Emily Carbonara '17
    - Focusing on Youth Suicide Prevention in New Hampshire
    When senior Emily Carbonara started a summer internship at Exeter Hospital in Exeter, New Hampshire, she didn’t know it would launch her into research on youth suicide prevention... Read More
  • UNH student at Undergraduate Research Conference science and engineering symposium
    - The ISE Awards
    The prize winners of the 14th Interdisciplinary Science & Engineering Symposium have been announced. Read More
  • UNH student Alexys Gilcreast
    - The Business of Research
    Regardless of the research question, there is always a way to relate it to business. Read More