Future Wildcats

Thompson Hall in summer

UNH Positions Students, Businesses to Thrive in Wake of SEC Climate Disclosure Ruling

In March, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted the first-ever national climate disclosure rule, a decision signifying that publicly traded companies will be legally required to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and other climate risk factors for the first time. It’s a... Read More

Recent Stories

  • earth from space
    - Back to the Future
    This image shows a future view of the world in equilibrium at 2,000 parts per million of atmospheric carbon dioxide (current level is 393 ppm). Sea level is higher by some 260... Read More
  • In Their Own Words
    - In Their Own Words
    Associate Professor of Marketing Goksel Yalcinkaya came to UNH in 2007 and immediately began to assume a critical role in the educational missions of Paul College’s undergraduate... Read More
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    - For Student Veterans, Nov. 11 is Not Just Another Day
    When Cassie O’Brian was a kid, Veteran’s Day just meant a day off from school. For some people, that’s still what it means: no school, no work. O’Brian sees it differently now. So... Read More
  • student performs atheltic therapy on hockey player
    - Pitchside with the Dubliners of Durham
    Orlaith Munnelly works with a hockey player to loosen tight muscles. Dubliners may refer to soccer as “football” and the field on which it is played as a “pitch,” but such... Read More
  • will clyde with graduate student
    - Warming Earth, Shrinking Mammals
    Graduate student Abigail D'Ambrosia (at right) and geology professor Will Clyde When the Earth heated up about 50 million years ago in a series of extreme global warming events,... Read More
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    - Writers on Stage—A View from the Wings
    Portsmouth was in the midst of a blizzard when Katie Hogan came to check out UNH’s MFA in writing program. From upstate New York, she immediately fell in love with the town and... Read More
  • The Sox-UNH Connection (Update)
    - The Sox-UNH Connection (Update)
    WFXT- Behind the Monster from Scott Ripley on Vimeo. UNH Videographer Scott Ripley produced this piece about the scorekeepers who work in the Green Monster at Fenway when he... Read More
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    - Who Ya Gonna Call?
    Marja Ruderman, president of the UNH Paranormal Club, turned her childhood obsession with ghosts into a popular student organization on campus While the student-actors who haunted... Read More
  • students loaded on truck in front of smith hall, around 1908
    - The Myth of Smith
    Late at night, when most of the students are asleep, the dorm lounge might seem to be an ideal place for some undisturbed studying--unless you happen to live in Smith Hall. Legend... Read More
  • bee
    - The Bees and Dinosaurs Connection
    For the first time ever, scientists have documented a widespread extinction of bees that occurred 65 million years ago, concurrent with the massive event that wiped out land... Read More