
Recent Stories

  • UNH students outside Smith Hall
    - Stopping the Stigma
    Across campus, counselors and students are working to raise mental health awareness. Read More
  • Actors in a play about the town of Stratham, NH
    - Inspired by the Past
    A history major immerses herself in the stories of a 300-year-old town. Read More
  • mural in progress at Dimond Library
    - Making These Walls Talk
    Students in professor Jennifer Moses’s intermediate painting class have created a new mural that celebrates UNH's sesquicentennial. Read More
  • UNH's Impact on New Hampshire Infographic
    - New Hampshire Impact: UNH by the Numbers
    $1.5 billion. That’s the amount UNH contributes to New Hampshire’s economy each year through its expenditures in the state and the cost of educating a highly skilled workforce. It... Read More
  • figures forming a bridge illustration by Anthony Freda
    - Building Bridges
    When Chris Misavage, a middle school math and science teacher, took a job at Wentworth Elementary in rural northern New Hampshire, the community was in crisis. The school’s... Read More
  • UNH Law students and faculty
    - Ahead of the Curve
    Rick Weeks ’12 JD stepped off the sidewalk outside the University of New Hampshire School of Law and folded his 6-foot-3 frame into the passenger seat of classmate John Fuentes’s... Read More
  • Celebrate 150: One Hundred and Fifty Milestone Moments feature cover page from the UNH Magazine
    - One Hundred and Fifty Milestone Moments
    We all experience moments that carve themselves into memory. Some of those moments are watershed — graduations, marriages, births, deaths — while others are more mundane. At the... Read More
  • UNH Magazine Editor-in-chief Kristin Waterfield Duisberg talking with President Mark Huddleston
    - In This Issue...
    I had the privilege of being on hand when President Mark Huddleston formally announced UNH’s $275 million comprehensive campaign at the “Hear Us Roar” Celebrate 150 event on Sept... Read More
  • a collage of UNH students
    - Wildcat Welcome
    Whether you’re 50 miles from Durham or 5,000, wear UNH gear in public and chances are good that at some point, someone will approach you with a smile and the news that he or she,... Read More
  • UNH veteran-students in the veteran-student lounge in Thompson Hall
    - A Place for Veterans
    It’s the first meeting of the Student Armed Forces Association and a handful of student veterans are gathered in a small suite on the third floor of Thompson Hall. Doug Rodoski ’... Read More