Submitting Your Pre-Proposal Application for SURF IT

A complete SURF IT Pre-Proposal Application includes:           

  1. Application Cover Sheets:  Each student member of the SURF IT team should complete an Application Cover Sheet for inclusion with the team application.   

  1. Project Narrative (with Title page):  See Pre-Proposal Requirements in the Application Guidelines.   

  1. UNH Faculty Mentors Joint Letter of Support:  Complete the top portion of the “SURF IT Faculty Mentors Pre-Proposal Letter of Support” form and give the form to your UNH mentors well in advance of the application deadline.   

  1. UNH Faculty Recommendations (non-mentor): Each student team member should complete the top portion of the “SURF IT Faculty Recommendation” form and give the form to their individual UNH faculty recommender well in advance of the Pre-Proposal Application deadline. 

Submit your Pre-Proposal Application as described here

One (1) complete application packet, collated in this order: 

  1. Application Cover Sheet for each student (alpha order) 
  2. Title Page 
  3. Project Narrative 
  4. To the top of the documents above, paper clip the UNH Faculty Mentors Joint Letter of Support and the faculty recommendation letters for each student – all in sealed, signed envelopes. *Recommendations must be submitted with the application and not sent separately to the office.  

Please use paper clips for all documents – no staples, please. 

Submit the complete application packet by hand to the Hamel Center office (118 Conant) by the deadline: November 29, 2023