Over the years, many UNH undergraduates have presented their research findings at conferences and professional meetings nationwide. If you are invited to present at an off-campus venue, you may apply to the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research for a Research Presentation Grant. These grants support travel expenses and conference registration fees (not including meals, lodging, or trip insurance). Award amounts vary based on available funds, up to a maximum award of $600.
- Applicant must be enrolled as an undergraduate at UNH at the time of application and at the time of presentation. (Funding is not available for conferences that take place after a student has graduated.)
- Applicant must be presenting on research conducted while an undergraduate at UNH, and must have received written notice of acceptance to present at an off-campus conference.
- First priority will be given to students who have not already received Research Presentation Grant funding within the same academic year.
- Typically, the Hamel Center does not provide funding more than once for the same project: e.g., presenting one project at two different conferences. Students are encouraged to continue to pursue their research in new directions before applying for a second round of Research Presentation Grant funding.
Application Deadline
Rolling deadline. Students are encouraged to submit their application promptly so that it can be reviewed and, if approved, travel arrangements can be made in a timely fashion. Applications must be submitted at least two weeks ahead of the conference attendance date. Awards will not be made retroactively for conference travel that has already taken place.
Read the Application Guidelines before completing the application forms.
A complete Research Presentation Grant application includes:
- Application Cover Sheet. Download the online form, complete it on your computer, and print.
- Abstract of your paper/project. Submit an Abstract of 250 words minimum. Include the project title and author(s) with the Abstract – e.g., if more than one author, include the names of all authors in hierarchical order (i.e., first author, second author, etc.) or the names of all co-authors.
- A copy of your acceptance to present at a venue off campus (formal letter or email).
- Budget Form. Download the online budget form, complete it on your computer, and print.
- UNH Faculty Recommendation Form and signed letter of recommendation. Complete and sign the top portion of the “UNH Faculty Mentor Recommendation Form” and give it to your UNH research mentor. Your faculty mentor should attach the form to his/her signed letter of recommendation and put it in a sealed, signed envelope to be submitted with the application.
- If the research you are presenting was conducted under the supervision of a non-UNH research mentor (e.g., if the research was conducted as part of an REU, or sponsored by another institution or one of its faculty), then your application must also include a letter from the non-UNH mentor, in addition to the letter from a UNH faculty member. (This means your application will include two letters.) See the guidelines for this additional letter below.
Submitting your application:
- Submit the original application, in the order listed above, to the Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research (118 Conant Hall). Applications will not be reviewed until all required documents have been submitted.
- Students will be notified of a decision within two weeks of application submission.
The Application Cover Sheet is a fillable PDF. Download the form, complete it on your computer, and print it for submission with your application.
Please review the following instructions before completing the Budget Form.
The Hamel Center provides support for travel expenses and conference registration fees only (not meals or lodging; not trip insurance; not poster printing). Travel and conference expenses may not be fully covered by the Hamel Center; award amounts will vary, based on available funds. First priority will be given to students who have not already received Research Presentation Grant funding within the same academic year.
Guidelines Specific to Travel Expenses:
- Travel support assumes travel from the Durham, NH area (if driving) or Boston/Manchester airports (if flying) to the conference location and back – not travel from another area of the U.S. to the conference, or personal travel from/to another location before, during, or after the conference. Only in particular qualifying circumstances (e.g., travel arrangements that are demonstrably less expensive than travel between Durham or Boston/Manchester and the conference site) will alternate travel requests be considered. Consult the Hamel Center before submitting alternate travel requests.
- Travel using a personal vehicle will be reimbursed at the IRS Standard mileage rate in effect at the time of travel. The current rate is available on the IRS website here.
- Whenever possible (and unless you are using your own vehicle), you should be using public transportation to/from the airport or between your hotel and the conference site. Only in particular qualifying circumstances will car shares (e.g., Uber, Lyft) be considered, though you will need to provide a clear rationale if you make this budget request.
Complete and sign the top portion of the UNH Faculty Mentor Recommendation Form and give it to your UNH research mentor. Your faculty mentor should attach the form to his/her signed letter of recommendation and put it in a sealed, signed envelope to be submitted with the application.
If the research you are presenting was conducted under the supervision of a non-UNH research mentor (e.g., if the research was conducted as part of an REU, or sponsored by another institution or one of its faculty), then your application must also include a letter from the non-UNH mentor, in addition to the letter from a UNH faculty member. (This means your application will include two letters.) See the guidelines for this additional letter here.