Please read and print this page, then click "Agree & Continue" below.
Permit Placement
This permit must be affixed using its own front adhesive (not just displayed!) to the lower driver’s side front windshield of the registered car so that it can be seen from the outside (remove old permit).
Permit Use
Non-resident permits are valid in the Mast Road Lot, Mathes Lot, or West Edge Lot.
Mast Road & Mathes: Traveling Main Street from campus, proceed past the round-about and take the next right turn onto Mast Road. Mast & Mathes are ahead on the right. Take care not to park in the nearby Moiles lot (gravel surface) or in faculty/staff spaces at the Equestrian Center.
West Edge Lot: Continue up upper main street, just after the red Automotive Garage, turn left onto West Edge Drive, and continue all the way to large lot at the very end of this road.
This permit is not valid in other resident lots, commuter lots, in any no-parking areas, at any parking meter or timed area, or in any area not specifically designated as a parking space. This permit and its privileges are not transferable to another owner or user.
Snow Removal
Parking in a UNH resident lot implies dealing with snow. Permit-holders will often need to dig themselves out of parking spaces. From time to time a thorough snow clean-up operation will be planned when the lot must be completely vacated for nighttime plowing. On such occasions, notices containing instructions will be publicized. It is your responsibility to monitor your e-mail and other announcement venues and carefully follow the instructions for temporary relocation. It’s a good idea to leave a key with a neighbor in the event of a plowing operation scheduled in your absence.
Permits are not refundable, except as described in the refund policy. Temporary replacement permits are available online at the Virtual Counter or at the parking office (in advance) if you need to bring an alternate vehicle to campus. Permanent replacement permits are available with the return of the original permit or a $20 fee. If any part of your eligibility to hold your permit changes, the permit is no longer valid. Otherwise your permit expires on the day of spring commencement of the permit year.
Parking.News email bulletins
Get handy weekly announcements of lot closures, special events and other parking related announcements.
Call the parking office at (603) 862-1010.
Have a successful school year!