
The UNH Research Office Knowledge Base is designed expressly to support UNH faculty and graduate researchers throughout the research development life cycle. Use the filter tools below to access forms, instruction and training material, committee minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

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Resource Category Topic Type
UNH Policy on Misconduct in Scholarly Activity
UNH Policy on Misconduct in Scholarly Activity
Compliance & Safety Misconduct in Scholarly Activity Policy
National Safety Council: Recognition and Handling of Peroxidizable Compounds
Recognition and Handling of Peroxidizable Compounds
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Instruction & Training
UNH Laboratory Ventilation Management Program
Laboratory Ventilation Management Program
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety, Occupational Safety Policy
Spaulding Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Spaulding Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Rudman Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Rudman Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Research Greenhouses
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Research Greenhouses
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Paul Creative Arts Center
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures PCAC
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Parsons Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Parsons Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
New Hampshire Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures NHVDL
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Morse Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Morse Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Kingsbury Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Kingsbury Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Kendall Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Kendall Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Keener Dairy Nutrition Building
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Keener Dairy Nutrition Research Center
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
James Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures James Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Jackson Estuarine Laboratory
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Jackson Lab
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Gregg Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Gregg Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Demeritt Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Demerrit Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Conant Hall
Ventilation Shutdown Procedures Conant Hall
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Chemical Hygiene Plan
Chemical Hygiene Plan
Environmental Health & Safety Chemical Safety Plan
Institutional Biosafety Committee: 2015 Quarter 4
Quarter 4 2016 IBC Agenda
Environmental Health & Safety Biological Safety Report