Grantmaking at ED
Education Grants: Application, Management, & Closeout
Grants and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Use of AI to Apply for Grants
Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development
(A report from the Institute of Educational Sciences/US ED and the National Science Foundation)
- Guidance on building the evidence base in STEM learning
- Provides guidelines for six types of education “research” projects
- Overview of the nature, justification, evidence generation and so on for each project type
Institute of Education Science (IES) - Resources for Researchers
Webinars, methodological resources, peer review process, available data sets, etc.
Standards in Excellence in Education Research
Cost Analysis Starter Kit
The Cost Analysis Starter Kit provides a three-phased approach to the basics of cost analysis. The Kit is designed to present information in a way that is accessible and user friendly for those who are new to the topic, are less experienced with it, or simply want a refresher.
Applying for Funding Opportunities at Institute of Education Sciences (IES)
- Identify a current funding opportunity that matches your research interests and identify the relevant Letter of Intent and application deadlines.
- View a funding opportunities webinar to learn more about the application process and choosing an appropriate funding opportunity.
- Download the Application Submission Guide, as well as the appropriate Request for Applications and application package (Search for CFDA 84.305 or CFDA 84.324).
- Submit your Letter of Intent (optional but strongly encouraged).
- Submit your application to before the application deadline.
Unsolicited Grant Opportunities
The Institute of Education Sciences will consider unsolicited applications for research, evaluation, and statistics projects that would make significant contributions to the mission of the organization and are not eligible under its current grant competitions, both open and closed, described at
For other resources, see RD Digital Library >> US ED-- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION