Misc. Federal Agencies- Specific Requirements & Advice

See the RD Digital Library for advice and other resources from the UNH Research and Large Center Development Office

For these sponsors, see their separate page for specific requirements and advice:
DOD (incl. ARO, AFOSR, DARPA, and ONR)          NASA      NIH      NSF     USDA       US ED (incl. IES)

Grant/Cooperative Agreement Forms


For other resources, see  RD Digital Library >> DOE -- U.S. DEPT. OF ENERGY


How to Apply for Grants

EPA Grantee Forms

Grant Competition Resources

Competition Process Webinar - March 26, 2024
This webinar intended to help grant applicants learn how to find and successfully apply for competitive EPA grants.
EPA also provided an overview of the competition process from application through evaluation and selection.

How to Build Your Proposal -- Explore guides, tools, and writing tips for building a proposal for funding from NOAA Fisheries

NOAA & NOAA-partner resilience assets

Funding & Awards

  • What NIJ Funds
  • Find Funding Opportunities
  • Guidance for Applicants and Awardees
  • Questions on Funding Opportunities
  • Awards List of Funded Projects

Application Submission & JustGrants
Applicants must begin the application process within Grants.gov. After applying in Grants.gov, the application information and forms will be transferred to JustGrants and will automatically appear when you access your application in JustGrants.

Training: Application Submission

DOJ Application Submission Checklist  covers all necessary steps to complete the two-part application process in Grants.gov and JustGrants.