RCR Training at UNH

The UNH Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarly Activity (RCR) Committee offers training in the ethical and responsible conduct of research three times a year: February, May and September/October.

This training opportunity involves two components:

  • Completion of a web-based RCR course, followed by
  • Participation in a three-hour seminar. The next seminar will be held on Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 1:10-4:00pm in MUB 162.

Web-based RCR course

The web-based course must be completed prior to participation in the seminar. Successful completion of the training requires completion of both components.

Registration for this training session is required and is available here. Please register no later than Tuesday, April 29, 2025. Please contact Julie Simpson with questions.

This training is open to any member of the UNH community. While it is primarily directed at postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students, faculty and staff are invited to participate.

The training fulfills:

  1. The National Science Foundation (NSF) mandate that all postdoctoral researchers, and undergraduate and graduate students supported by NSF to conduct research on proposals submitted on or after Jan. 4, 2010 receive appropriate training in the responsible and ethical conduct of research.  Effective with proposals submitted to NSF on or after 7/31/2023, faculty and other senior personnel will be required to complete responsible and ethical conduct of research training. Click on the UNH NSF RCR Training Requirement link below for details about UNH's RCR training requirements for the different audiences.
  2. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) RCR requirement.  Click on the UNH USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) RCR Training Requirement link below for details about UNH's RCR training requirements for different audiences.

UNH National science foundation (NSF) RCR training requirement

UNH USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) RCR training requirement

For more information regarding RCR training requirements and policies, please contact Julie Simpson, (603) 862-2003, in UNH Research Integrity Services.

View Responsible Conduct of Research Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.

Contact Information

Julie Simpson, Director
Research Integrity Services
Service Building Room 107
51 College Road
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: (603) 862-2003
Email: julie.simpson@unh.edu