UNH Memorial Union Building (MUB)
83 Main St, Durham, NH 03824
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7:30am – 8:00am |
Strafford Room |
Registration and Light Breakfast |
8:00am – 8:30am |
Welcome Addresses
8:30am – 10:00am |
Plenary Session 1 |
10:00am – 10:30am |
Break |
Granite State Room |
1:00pm – 7:00pm |
Exhibit Hall Argonne National Laboratory
1:00pm – 2:30pm |
Session |
Topical Breakout Session 1 (Topics continue in Breakout Session 2) |
Empowering Product Manufacturing Innovations through Industrial Partnerships Room 330 |
This presentation session will highlight the capabilities and core expertise within the DOE National Lab advanced manufacturing facilities as well as those in northern New England toward the goal of improving the mechanisms by which U.S. innovations are developed into viable commercial products and services. The session will provide insight into the hard and soft manufacturing infrastructure at the various user facilities while also discussing the mechanisms by which these resources can be accessed and leveraged by industry. In addition, the workshop will examine ways to improve the integration of the Northern New England Advanced Manufacturing Centers within the National Lab Network to improve the mechanisms by which innovations are translated out of university and National Lab R&D activities. | ||||||
Exploring the Structure of Matter at DOE Facilities Room 332 |
In this session we will explore the future of nuclear physics experimental research by exploring ongoing work by DOE National Laboratories as well as the UNH Nuclear Physics Group. We will also discuss applications of this research across various topics, such as medical imaging, environmental studies, plant imaging, and isotope research and production. |
Scaling Processes from Micro- to System-scale for Climate Security Room 334 |
Understanding processes occurring at the microscale is critical to developing predictive models of systems, as microscale processes have implications for the fate of the climate and climate security. Scaling from the micro-scale to a whole system requires knowledge of different analytical and modeling tools in the environmental sciences. | ||||||
Catalysis & Materials Science for Solar Fuel Production Room 336 |
There is a pressing need for economically viable devices capable of efficient solar-to-fuel conversion. This session will discuss specific topics in catalysis and materials science, and explore opportunities for collaboration. | ||||||
Marine Energy and Powering the Blue Economy Room 338/340 |
Capabilities, Activities, Current Projects and Opportunities: Overview of National Labs’ activities in ME and PBE, their capabilities, current projects and new opportunities. A brief overview of UNH activities in this space (AMEC etc) will also be given. The session will provide a forum to discuss opportunities for collaboration, including regional companies and universities. |
2:30pm – 3:00pm |
3rd Floor, MUB |
Break |
3:00pm – 4:30pm |
Topical Breakout Session 2 (Topics continued from Breakout Session 1) |
Empowering Product Manufacturing Innovations through Industrial Partnerships Room 330 |
This panel session will discuss the current and future advanced manufacturing focus areas and funding opportunities and will explore potential areas for collaborative efforts. Panelists will provide a 5 min overview of collaboration opportunities followed by an open discuss with participants to explore areas of mutual interest. |
Exploring the Structure of Matter at DOE Facilities Room 332 |
In this session we will explore the future of nuclear physics experimental research by exploring ongoing work by DOE National Laboratories as well as the UNH Nuclear Physics Group. We will also discuss applications of this research across various topics, such as medical imaging, environmental studies, plant imaging, and isotope research and production. |
Scaling Processes from Micro- to System-scale for Climate Security Room 334 |
Understanding processes occurring at the microscale is critical to developing predictive models of systems, as microscale processes have implications for the fate of the climate and climate security. Scaling from the micro-scale to a whole system requires knowledge of different analytical and modeling tools in the environmental sciences. | ||||||
Catalysis & Materials Science for Solar Fuel Production Room 336 |
There is a pressing need for economically viable devices capable of efficient solar-to-fuel conversion. This session will discuss specific topics in catalysis and materials science, and explore opportunities for collaboration. | ||||||
Marine Energy and Powering Room 338/340 |
Connections to Other Renewable Energy Thrusts at DOE, Stakeholder Engagement: A discussion of how Marine Energy and Powering the Blue Economy activities can be connected to other fields and renewable energy thrusts at DOE. Topics include: the hydrogen economy and ME&PBE, marine energy for carbon sequestration, Ocean aquaculture and ME&PBE, Clean Energy Demonstrations. | ||||||
4:45pm – 6:00pm |
Tours depart from Granite State Room
Polarized Target Lab |
6:00pm - 7:45pm |
Granite State Room |
Reception and Poster Session |
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2022 |
8:00am – 8:30am |
Granite State Room |
Light Breakfast |
8:30am – 9:45am |
Plenary Session 3 |
9:45am – 10:15am |
Break |
10:15am – 11:45am |
Topical Breakout Session 3 |
Bridging the Technology Transfer Gap for Equitable Resilience: The Solar and Geothermal Examples Room 330/332 |
We will use case studies from bioenergy, geothermal, and solar to better understand the diverse data streams that are essential to facilitate the equitable adoption of renewable energy in different geographic and socioeconomic communities. | ||||||
Opportunities to Connect Carbon Sequestration Models from the Terrestrial-aquatic Interface to Offshore Ecosystems Room 334/336 |
This session will explore carbon sequestration models from the terrestrial-aquatic interface to offshore ecosystems. Session participants will highlight ongoing projects related to these models and facilitate discussions around collaboration opportunities to advance carbon sequestration modeling, research, and scalability. |
12:30pm |
Adjourn |