Cayuse IRB

UNH researchers who want to submit an application to the UNH IRB for review, submit a continuing review/renewal request for an existing (legacy) study or close an existing (legacy) study should access Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics. KSC researchers who want to submit an application to the UNH IRB for review should access Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics. (This is for UNH and KSC IRBs only at this time; the PSU IRB will transition to Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics in the future.)  


Once you've signed in, click on the Products button in the upper right of the Cayuse home page & select Human Ethics

In order to access Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics, researchers need an USNH email address (UNH, PSU, or KSC).  If you find that you do not have access to the USNH Cayuse research suite to use the IRB/Human Ethics module, submit a request for user access.  (To request access to Cayuse SP [for proposal development], please either email Karen Jensen in Sponsored Programs Administration directly to make the request or submit a user access request here.)

Can't access Cayuse? Submit a user access request.

Drop-In Zoom Office Hours for Cayuse Help!

Questions about Cayuse and Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics?
Click the Zoom link below to visit the drop-in "office hours" with Research Integrity Services staff,
for assistance with Cayuse Outside Interests, Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics and related compliance matters.

Drop-In Zoom Office Hours (except USNH Holidays)

 Tuesdays 3:00-4:00pm
Wednesdays 12:00-1:00pm
Thursdays 10:00-11:00am

RIS staff will not monitor the meeting link at other times.
To access the drop-in meeting, you must be logged in to your USNH Zoom account
(log in here:  UNH, Plymouth, Keene).
Attendees will initially enter a Zoom "waiting room."

You can also contact Melissa McGee, Susan Jalbert, or Julie Simpson with any questions about Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics

Resources for Using Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics

Transitioning to Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics

The UNH IRB is now using Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics software.   

  • Researchers need to develop new applications in Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics; the IRB staff will not accept new applications submitted via any other means (e.g., email, hard copy).
  • Researchers who want to request an extension of the IRB approval of an existing (legacy) study that expires after June 1, 2021 need to submit a renewal request via Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics.   If a study's approval expires, it will be closed in Cayuse; once closed, a study cannot be reopened.
  • Researchers who want to close studies (legacy or approved in Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics) should click on the applicable study in Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics, click on the blue "New Submission" button and select "Closure", provide the requested information, and submit it and certify the submission.
  • Researchers who need to request modifications for existing (legacy) studies should read the information below and contact the IRB office with questions. 

Disposition of Existing (Legacy) Studies with IRB Approval

  • Researchers who have existing Exempt* or Expedited with no annual continuing review* level studies that are ongoing, where the study is anticipated to continue for more than a year or require modifications in the future, should plan to submit a new application in Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics after June 1, 2021 to replace the existing study.  Doing so will allow researchers to take advantage of the many features of Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics to not only have online access to the information about their studies, but also to submit modifications via Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics.  Once approved, the IRB will close the existing (legacy) IRB study.
  • Researchers who have Expedited with annual continuing review* or Full Board* level studies:
    • For those studies in data analysis or interpretation stages and where there will not be any further data collection or future modifications to the protocol, researchers should submit continuing review requests via Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics for the existing (legacy) study until they have completed the study.  They should then close the study in Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics.
    • For studies that are in the recruitment or data collection stages or where researchers anticipate submitting modifications in the future, researchers should complete a new application in Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics for the study before the study’s current IRB approval expiration date.  The IRB will treat it as a new application and give it a new IRB number but, unless the PI indicates there are changes from the prior version, will perform a confirmatory review at the previous study’s review level.  The new study will retain the previous study's approval expiration date.  At that time, the IRB will close the existing (legacy) study in Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics.

*If you are unsure of your study’s review level, please email IRB staff with the UNH IRB protocol number.

Please contact the IRB staff (Melissa McGeeSusan Jalbert, or Julie Simpson ) with questions about Cayuse IRB/Human Ethics or any of the information above.