Medical Sharps & Contaminated Glass Disposal
- Collect in rigid puncture-resistant container labeled with a biohazard symbol or appropriately color-coded (red/orange)
- Seal container when ¾ full
- Place in red bag lined biobox (burn box), or contact Hazardous Materials Manager for pickup
Uncontaminated Glass Disposal
- Collect uncontaminated glass in a puncture-resistant container (e.g. blue white cardboard glass box, etc.)
- Seal container when ¾ full
- If using unlabeled container, label the container, "Sharp Objects Inside – Use Caution When Handling"
- Dispose of container in the trash
Note: Commercially made glass disposal boxes can be purchased from the UNH Chemistry Stock Room or other vendors such as Fisher Scientific.
Liquid Infectious Waste Disposal
Option #1: Steam Sterilization
Lab workers who process biohazardous waste through a steam autoclave are required to take appropriate Biosafety Training.
Option #2: Chemical Inactivation
- Add enough fresh bleach to liquid waste to reach 10-20% final concentration
- Mix solution well
- Allow to sit for 30 minutes
- Disinfected solution can then be drain disposed in a lab sink if no other hazards are present
*Other disinfectants can be found by searching the EPA approved disinfectant database.
*Aspiration flasks must be set-up accordingly:

A = Primary collection flask.
B = Overflow collection flask (optional).
C = In-line HEPA filter to protect vacuum system (D)
Note 1: Disinfectant should be added prior to beginning waste collection and after in order to reach needed final concentration of disinfectant.
Note 2: Flasks A and B must be held in a secondary containment pan, pail or bin.
Solid Infectious Waste Disposal
Option #1: Steam Sterilization
Lab workers who process biohazardous waste through a steam autoclave are required to take appropriate Biosafety Training and follow procedures outlined in the Biohazardous Waste Disposal Plan.
Option #2: Bio Box (Burn Box)
- Place material in biobox (burn box) lined with 2 red bags
- Seal interior red bag liner with lab tape or tied knot
- Seal second liner bag with lab tape or tied knot
- Close two smaller box flaps followed by the larger flaps
- Seal flaps with two rows of packing tape
- Write the name of the building and room number where the biological waste was accumulated on top of the box
Related Information and Pages
View Hazardous Materials Management Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base contains forms, instruction and training material, minutes, policies, tools and other resources to support your research efforts by topic area.
Dana Buckley, Biological Safety Officer
Phone: (603) 862-0197