
Photos of various members talking to each other in OLLI classroom settings

Become a Member/Renew

To enjoy the full range of courses and social opportunities offered to our members, join or renew today!

To join or renew, you may:

  1. Complete the secure online application.
  2. Complete the registration form and mail it with your $40 membership fee to the OLLI at UNH, 59 College Rd, Durham, NH 03284. Couples should use a separate registration form and separate check to avoid potential errors.

Note: Non-members may enroll in an OLLI courses for an additional $20 per course. Guests are not considered non-members.

Benefits of Membership

  • Reasonably priced courses and events
  • 200+ courses per year
  • Course Fee scholarships for members in need
  • Access to courses at provided locations throughout our four learning regions
  • Special interest groups, social gatherings and opportunities to meet new friends
  • Bus trips to museums, play houses and other places of interest 
  • Pursuit of active brain, healthy brain
  • Learning for pleasure with peers
  • Newsletters and catalogs
  • Opportunities to volunteer and shape the future of OLLI
  • Support of OLLI mission

Member Handbook

The OLLI Member Handbook acts as a useful overview and guide to OLLI at the University if New Hampshire. In it you will learn more about programming and policies; fees, funding, donations and scholarships; information outlets; OLLI operations including the shared responsibilities of staff and volunteers; the Bernard Osher Foundation, and our host institution, the University System of New Hampshire.