In the Community
Upcoming Events
March 3, 2025
Apply to be a Trash 2 Treasure Core Te a.m. MemberPaid positions!Application opens: Tuesday, January 21Apply by Monday, March 3 Gain leadership skills; training and fun provided!Trash 2 Treasure (T2T) is a Sustainability Institute progr a.m. – powered by students with the mission of assisting students, UNH and the local community in reducing waste, significantly reducing unnecessary landfill waste and providing students and local f a.m.ilies with back-to-school savings. As a core te a.m. member, you’ll h...
March 3, 2025Apply to be a PAID Sustainability Institute InternApplication opens: Monday, March 3Apply by: Tuesday, April 1 Gain leadership and professional skills while making a difference on c a.m.pus!Sustainability Institute Interns work part-time for the UNH Sustainability Institute with partners across c a.m.pus on strategic sustainability projects that help support UNH’s sustainability goals. From supporting a pollinator-friendly c a.m.pus and monitoring stormwater, to collecting data on waste or emissions a...
March 3, 2025noon - 1 p.m., Each progr a.m. in the Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department hosts a Language Conversation Group, sometimes known as a "Coffee Hour", to promote casual language use and improve fluency, comprehension, and our community relationships. Drop in and have a snack and a chat at any of our language hours! All language levels welcome and encouraged to attend.Russian Conversation Hour takes place in the Murkland G10 Lounge from 1-2 p.m. p.m. every Thursday
March 3, 20252:30 p.m. - 4 p.m., Presented by Wildcats for Recovery in partnership with Safe Harbor Recovery Center.Safe Harbor Peer Recovery will be on c a.m.pus to facilitate a topic and discussion-based support meeting for any student who has been impacted by substance use to discuss successes and challenges safely and confidentially in supporting one's own or another's personal recovery/ health journey. Attend one group or all! Snack provided.SMART+ Peer Recovery GroupMondays, January 27 – May 5, 2025 | 2:...
March 3, 20254 p.m. - 6 p.m., Join the Beauregard Center and the Diversity Support Coalition for a community gathering to kick off the 2025 Women’s History Month! Light refreshments will be provided. The event begins at 4 p.m. sharp.
March 3, 20256 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., Join us for a free 90-minute workshop on APA citation and organization, hosted by Student Academic Support tutor. In this session, you'll get an overview of APA 7th edition formatting, including paper structure, in-text citations, paraphrasing and direct quotes, references, plagiarism, and more.REGISTER NOW
March 4, 20254 p.m. - 4 p.m., Spiritual ConsultationTuesdays 4PM, Thrive Center (H a.m.el Rec)Have questions? Want to speak to a chaplain? Looking to connect with a religious or spiritual community? Questions:
March 5, 202511 a.m. - 2 p.m., Take a break, get some snuggles,and feel relaxed with the UNH pet therapy dogs.
March 5, 2025noon - 1 p.m., Each progr a.m. in the Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Department hosts a Language Conversation Group, sometimes known as a "Coffee Hour", to promote casual language use and improve fluency, comprehension, and our community relationships. Drop in and have a snack and a chat at any of our language hours! All language levels welcome and encouraged to attend.Spanish Conversation Hour takes place in the Murkland G10 Lounge from 12-1 p.m. every Wednesday
March 5, 202512:30 p.m. - 1 p.m., Cultivate present moment awareness and compassionate curiosity. No experience needed.