Frederic Bastiat Fellowship

The aim of this fellowship is to introduce students to the Austrian, Virginian, and Bloomington schools of political economy as academic foundations for pursuing contemporary policy analysis. The total award of up to $5,000 includes a stipend and travel and lodging to attend colloquia hosted by the Mercatus Center. Bastiat Fellows are eligible to apply for conference and research support. They can also re-apply to the fellowship each year of their studies.


Value: $5,000

Eligibility: Applicants who meet these criteria are eligible: Students that will be enrolled in an accredited graduate program during the upcoming academic year. Students that are able to commit to traveling during 6 weekends for colloquia during the upcoming academic year. Students that have an interest in public policy and Mercatus’ approach to research and outreach in the ongoing debates on public policy.

Major: Any field, but especially economics, philosophy, political science, and sociology

Fellowship Type: Graduate

Nomination: No, but strongly encouraged to work with Office

Website: Frederic Bastiat Fellowship