Political Science

Resource Category Topic Type
Congressional Fellowship
Throughout this semester-long program, Congressional Fellows learn about politics first-hand from Members of Congress, both in their home District…
US Citizen Public Service Leadership development, Professional development
Herbert Scoville Peace & Security Fellowship
The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship Program invites recent college and graduate school alumni to apply for full-time, six-to-nine month…
Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholars
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Awards (formerly the Harry Frank Guggenheim Dissertation Fellowships) recognize promising graduate-…
General R. Ford Library and Museum: Robert M. Teeter-Dissertation Award
The Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter is an annual award given to a doctoral student to support dissertation research and…
Frederic Bastiat Fellowship
The aim of this fellowship is to introduce students to the Austrian, Virginian, and Bloomington schools of political economy as academic foundations…
Charles B. Rangel Graduate Fellowship
The Rangel Graduate Fellowship is a program that aims to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers in the Foreign Service in which…
US Citizen Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Graduate school
Adam Smith Fellowships
The aim of these fellowships is to introduce students to and encourage them to critically engage key thinkers in political economy that they might…
Audience: PhD students
International Student, US Citizen, US National, US Permanent Resident Arts, Business, Education, Health, Humanities, Public Service, Social Sciences, STEM Professional development