
Resource Category Type
Charles G. Koch Student Internship Program
The Charles G. Koch Summer Fellow Program combines a paid public policy internship with two career and policy seminars. Fellows gain real-world…
Alumni, Graduate Students, International Students, Undergraduate
Charles B. Rangel Graduate Fellowship
The Rangel Graduate Fellowship is a program that aims to attract and prepare outstanding young people for careers in the Foreign Service in which…
Minority Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Center for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh (CNUP) Summer Fellowship
Each summer, CNUP hosts undergraduates for a 10-week program to conduct independent research with a University of Pittsburgh neuroscience faculty of…
Center for California Studies: Capital Fellows Programs
The Center administers four fellowship programs: Jesse M. Unruh Assembly Fellowship, Executive Fellowship, Judicial Administrative Fellowship, and…
Dissertation, Financial Need, International Graduate Students, International Students, Post-Doctoral, Undergraduate
James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program
Full-time paid position as a research assistant to the Endowments senior associates.
Alumni, International Students, Undergraduate
Brower Youth Awards
The Brower Youth Award recognizes individuals who display outstanding youth leadership in creating, organizing and implementing a project or campaign…
Audience: Undergraduate
Bridging Scholarship
The American Association of Teachers of Japanese Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-…
Audience: Undergraduate
International Undergraduate
Brian E. Doyle Undergraduate Marine Extension Fellowship
Fellows spend the summer working with N.H. Sea Grant staff seeking to help individuals and organizations make informed decisions regarding our marine…
Boren Awards
Funds serious language study and/or work overseas for a summer, one semester, or a year for undergraduates and graduate students in areas other than…
International Graduate Students, Undergraduate
Big Sun Scholarship
The BigSun Organization is proud to be able to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. In order to do our part we are offering an…
Audience: Undergraduate